What does the name Fayez mean? What is the meaning of the name Fayez
Meaning of Fayez: Name Fayez in the Arabic origin, means One who is always a victor. Name Fayez is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Fayez are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Fayez (Namesakes)
- Ayman Mohamed Fayez
Ayman Mohamed Fayez or Ayman Alaa Eldin Mohamed Fayez (born March 3, 1991 Giza, Egypt) is an Egyptian fencer who competed in the 2012 Olympics and 2016 Olympics in Men's Individual Épée.
- Faisal Al-Fayez
Faisal al-Fayez (Arabic: فيصل الفايز) (born 1952 in Amman) was the Prime Minister of Jordan from 25 October 2004 to 6 March 2005.
- Fayez Tarawneh
Fayez Tarawneh (Arabic: فايز الطراونة, Fāyiz aṭ-Ṭarāwinah) (born 1 May 1949) is an independent Jordanian politician, who served twice as prime minister of Jordan.
- Fayez Bandar
Fayez Bandar (born on December 7, 1983) is a Kuwaiti footballer (defender) playing currently for Al Qadisiya Kuwait and Kuwait national football team.
- Musallem Fayez
Musallem Fayez full name Musallem Fayez Muftah Hamdan Al Hamdani (Arabic: مسلم فايز مفتاح حمدان الحمداني; born 1 January 1987) is an Emarati footballer who plays for Al Jazira as defender.
- Fawzi Fayez
Fawzi Fayez Subait Khalifa Alalawi (Arabic: فوزي فايز سبيت خليفة آل علوي; born 14 July 1987) is an Emirati footballer who plays as a defender for Khor Fakkan .
- Mohammed Fayez
Mohamed Fayez (Arabic: محمد فايز; born 6 October 1989) is an Emarati footballer who plays for Al Ain Club.
- Abdulaziz Fayez Al Alawi
Abdulaziz Fayez Subait Khalifa Al Alawi (Arabic: عبدالعزيز فايز) (born 17 June 1990) is an Emirati footballer commonly known as Azooz or Abdulaziz Fayez, who currently plays as a winger.
- Fayez Ghosn
Fayez Ghosn (Arabic: فايز غصن) (born 28 June 1950) is a Lebanese politician, the former minister of defense, and a member of the Marada Movement.
- Ahmed Fayez Al-Dosari
Ahmed Fayez Al-Dosari (born 3 July 1985) is a Saudi Arabian long jumper.
- Fayez al-Sarraj
Fayez Mustafa al-Sarraj (Arabic: فائز السراج or فايز السراج; born February 20, 1960) is the Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya and prime minister of the Government of National Accord (GNA) of Libya, formed on 17 December 2015 under the Libyan Political Agreement.
- Fayez Al-Olayani
Fayez Al-Olayani (born 25 August 1984) is a Saudi football player.
- Rami Fayez
Rami Fayez (Arabic:رامي فايز) (born 23 September 1986) is a Qatari footballer.
- Fayez Jumaa
Fayez Jumaa (Arabic:فايز جمعه) (born 12 February 1981) is an Emirati footballer.
- Fayez Zaghloul
Fayez Zaghloul (Arabic: فايز زغلول; born 8 August 1959) is a Syrian boxer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Fayez Numerology: Name Fayez has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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