What does the name Fawcett mean? What is the meaning of the name Fawcett?
Meaning of Fawcett: Name Fawcett in the English origin, means One who comes from the colourfull hills. Mostly used as a surname. Name Fawcett is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Fawcett are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Fawcett: One who comes from the colourfull hills. Mostly used as a surname
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Famous people with name Fawcett (Namesakes)
- Brian Fawcett
Brian Fawcett (born May 13, 1944) is a Canadian writer and cultural analyst who lives in Toronto, Ontario.
- David Fawcett
David Julian Fawcett (born 23 October 1963) is an Australian Liberal Party politician serving as Senator for South Australia since 2011.
- Joy Fawcett
Joy Lynn Fawcett (née Joy Biefeld; February 8, 1968) is a retired American professional soccer player.
- John Fawcett (director)
John Fawcett (born March 5, 1968) is a Canadian director, writer and producer of film and television.
- Greg Fawcett
Greg Wendell Fawcett (born November 30, 1969 in Minneapolis, Minnesota) is an American film and television actor, producer and screenwriter.
- Cesar Fawcett
César Augusto Fawcett Lébolo (born August 12, 1983) is a Colombian football defender who plays for Atlético Junior.
- Nicole Fawcett
Nicole Marie Fawcett (born December 16, 1986) is an American indoor volleyball player who won the 2014 World Championship and 2015 Pan American Games gold medal with the United States national team.
- Vince Fawcett
Vince Fawcett (born (1970-11-13)13 November 1970) is an English former professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1980s and 1990s.
- Lindsey Fawcett
Lindsey Fawcett is a British actress.
- Jake Fawcett
Jake David Fawcett (born 22 March 1990) is an Australian cricketer.
- Amelia Fawcett
Dame Amelia Chilcott Fawcett (born 16 September 1956) is the United States-born British Chairman of the Standards Board for Alternative Investments in London, Chairman of Investment AB Kinnevik in Stockholm, Chairman of Vedere SARL in Luxembourg, a Non-Executive Director of State Street Corporation in Boston, and a Non-Executive Member of Her Majesty’s Treasury Board.
- Kit Fawcett
Christopher Louis Fawcett (born 28 October 1954) is a former New Zealand rugby union player.
- Fausto Fawcett
Fausto Borel Cardoso (born May 10, 1957), better known by his stage name Fausto Fawcett, is a Brazilian singer-songwriter, rhythm guitarist, lyricist, novelist, short story writer, playwright, journalist, actor and screenwriter, famous for his frequent collaborations with fellow musician Laufer and for being a major exponent of rap rock and cyberpunk literature in Brazil.
- Tom Fawcett
Tom Fawcett (born 18 October 1995) is an American tennis player.
- Edmund Fawcett
Edmund Fawcett (born 31 May 1946) is a British political journalist and author.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Fawcett Numerology: Name Fawcett has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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