What does the name Faith mean? What is the meaning of the name Faith
Meaning of Faith: Name Faith in the Greek, English origin, means A trust or a beliefe. Name Faith is of Greek, English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Faith are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Faith (Namesakes)
- Faith Hill
Audrey Faith McGraw (née Perry; born September 21, 1967), known professionally as Faith Hill, is an American singer and record producer.
- Faith Evans
Faith Renée Jordan (née Evans; born June 10, 1973) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, and actress.
- Faith Ford
Faith Alexis Ford (born September 14, 1964) is an American actress.
- Faith Prince
Faith Prince (born August 6, 1957) is an American actress and singer, best known for her work on Broadway in musical theatre.
- Faith Ringgold
Faith Ringgold (born October 8, 1930 in Harlem, New York City) is a painter, writer, mixed media sculptor and performance artist, best known for her narrative quilts.
- Faith Brown
Faith Brown (born Eunice Irene Carroll; 28 May 1944) is an English actress, singer, comedian and impressionist.
- Faith Idehen
Faith Idehen (born 5 February 1973) is a retired female sprinter from Nigeria.
- Faith Salie
Faith Coley Salie (born April 14, 1971) is an American journalist, writer, actress, comedian, television and radio host and Rhodes scholar who grew up in Georgia.
- Faith Minton
Faith Minton (born March 14, 1957) is an American television and film actress and stuntwoman.
- Paloma Faith
Paloma Faith Blomfield (born 21 July 1981) is an English singer, songwriter, and actress.
- Angel Faith
Angel Marie Faith (born January 8, 1988), known by the stage name Angel, is a former American singer and songwriter.
- Faith Jenkins
Faith Jenkins - Lattimore is an American attorney, legal commentator and media personality.
- Faith Thomas
Faith Thomas (née Coulthard; born 22 January 1933) is an Australian former cricketer and hockey player.
- Anna Faith
Ariana Faith Carlson (born November 21, 1995), known professionally as Anna Faith, is an Instagram model and cosplayer from Florida.
- Faith Goldy
Faith Julia Goldy (born June 8, 1989), also known as Faith Goldy-Bazos, is a Canadian political commentator, whose views have been described as far-right or alt-right, white nationalist, and white supremacist.
- Faith Nkesti
Faith Nketsi (born 8 December 1994) is a South African influencer, model and entrepreneur.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Faith Numerology: Name Faith has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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