What does the name Fadel mean? What is the meaning of the name Fadel
Meaning of Fadel: Name Fadel in the Arabic, Middle East origin, means Honorable. Name Fadel is of Arabic, Middle East origin and is a Boy name. People with name Fadel are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Fadel (Namesakes)
- Fadel Brahami
Mohamed Fadel Brahami (Arabic: محمد براهامي) (born June 27, 1978) in Bondy (Paris), France), is an Algerian football player who currently plays at Bulgarian club PFC Minyor Pernik.
- Fadel Keïta
Amidou Fadel Keïta (born 5 July 1977) is a retired Ivorian footballer who played as a striker.
- Fadel Muhammad
Fadel Muhammad Alhaddar (Arabic: فاضل محمد الهدار, romanized: Fāḍel Muḥammad al-Haddār, Arabic pronunciation: [faːdˤel muħammad al-haddaːr]; born May 20, 1952) is an Indonesian politician and businessman of Arab-Indonesian descent.
- Fadel Al-Najjar
Fadel Al-Najjar (Arabic: فضل النجار) (born April 2, 1985 in Kuwait City) is a Jordanian professional basketball player.
- Fadel Ahmad
Fadel Ahmad (Arabic: فاضل أحمد) is a UAE footballer.
- Fadel Settara
Fadel Settara (born May 18, 1975) is an Algerian football player.
- Fadel Jilal
Fadel Jilal (born 4 March 1964) is a Moroccan football midfielder who played for Morocco in the 1986 FIFA World Cup.
- Fadel Gobitaka
Fadel Gobitaka (born 16 January 1998) is a Togolese footballer who plays for the B-team of Roda JC Kerkrade.
- Abdel Fadel Suanon
Abdel Fadel Suanon (born 24 June 1995) is a Beninese professional footballer who plays as a striker for Al-Washm.
- Fadel Karbon
Fadel Karbon (born 10 December 1992) is a Norwegian footballer who plays as a forward.
- Mohammed Fadel (footballer)
Mohammed Fadel (born 27 October 1963) is an Iraqi footballer.
- Fadel Showban
Fadel Showban (born 23 May 1978) is an Egyptian boxer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Fadel Numerology: Name Fadel has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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