What does the name Fabrizio mean? What is the meaning of the name Fabrizio
Meaning of Fabrizio: Name Fabrizio in the Italian origin, means A man who is a craftsman. Name Fabrizio is of Italian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Fabrizio are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Fabrizio (Namesakes)
- Fabrizio Rongione
Fabrizio Rongione (born 3 March 1973) is a Belgian screenwriter, film producer and actor.
- Fabrizio Capucci
Fabrizio Capucci (born 4 August 1939) is an Italian former actor and producer.
- Fabrizio Santino
- Fabrizio Moretti
Fabrizio Moretti (born June 2, 1980) is a Brazilian-American musician and visual artist best known as the drummer for American indie rock band The Strokes.
- Fabrizio Ravanelli
Fabrizio Ravanelli (Italian pronunciation: [faˈbrittsjo ravaˈnɛlli]; born 11 December 1968) is an Italian football manager and former international player.
- Fabrizio Cicchitto
Fabrizio Cicchitto (born 26 October 1940 in Rome) is an Italian politician.
- Fabrizio Miccoli
Fabrizio Miccoli (Italian pronunciation: [faˈbrittsjo ˈmikkoli]; born on 27 June 1979) is a former Italian professional footballer who played as a striker.
- Fabrizio Zilibotti
Fabrizio Zilibotti (born September 7, 1964) is an Italian economist.
- Fabrizio Brienza
Fabrizio Brienza (born September 19, 1969) is an Italian model and actor.
- Fabrizio Corona
Fabrizio Maria Corona (born 29 March 1974) is an Italian television and media personality and former paparazzo.
- Fabrizio Paterlini
Fabrizio Paterlini (born 22 February 1973 in Mantua, Lombardy) is an Italian contemporary music composer and pianist.
- Fabrizio Moro
Fabrizio Mobrici (born 9 April 1975), known by his stage name Fabrizio Moro, is an Italian singer-songwriter.
- Fabrizio Alastra
Fabrizio Alastra (born 1 October 1997) is an Italian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Italian Serie B club Pescara on loan from Parma.
- Fabrizio Angileri
Fabrizio Germán Angileri (born 15 March 1994) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Argentine club River Plate.
- Fabrizio Schiavi
Fabrizio Schiavi born June 19, 1971 in Ponte dell'Olio near Piacenza (Italy), is a graphic designer and type designer.
- Fabrizio Pagani
Fabrizio Pagani (Pisa, January 4, 1967) is an Italian economist and public policy expert.
- Fabrizio Buschiazzo
Fabrizio Buschiazzo Morel, known as Fabrizio Buschiazzo (born 7 July 1996) is an Uruguayan football player.
- Fabrizio Moretti (art dealer)
Fabrizio Moretti (born 6 December 1976) is an Italian art dealer, specialising in Italian Old Masters.
- Fabrizio Vidale
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Fabrizio Numerology: Name Fabrizio has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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