What does the name Eze mean? What is the meaning of the name Eze?
Meaning of Eze: Name Eze in the African origin, means A person who is a King. Name Eze is of African origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Eze (Namesakes)
- Benjamin Eze
Benjamin Ndubuisi Eze (born February 8, 1981) is a Nigerian-Italian former professional basketball player.
- Ndubuisi Eze
Ndubuisi Godwin Ezeh (born May 10, 1984 in Nigeria) is a Nigerian football striker currently playing for Ismaily in the Egyptian Premier League.
- Dino Eze
Dino Eze (born 1 June 1984, in Port Harcourt) is a Nigerian former football player.
- Ayogu Eze
- Emeka Christian Eze
- Patrick Friday Eze
Patrick Friday Eze (born 22 December 1992) is a Nigerian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Jordanian club Al-Ramtha SC.
- Eze Vincent Okeuhie
Eze Vincent Okeuhie (born 6 June 1993) is a Nigerian football player who plays for Čukarički.
- Kene Eze
Kene Eze (born January 21, 1992) is an American soccer player who plays as a forward for FC Motown in the National Premier Soccer League.
- Stephen Eze
Stephen Eze (born 8 March 1994) is a Nigerian professional footballer who plays as a defender for FC Tobol.
- Eze Harper
Eze Harper (born 7 December 1994) is a rugby league footballer who plays for the Barrow Raiders in the Kingstone Press Championship.
- Eberechi Eze
Eberechi Oluchi Eze (born 29 June 1998) is an English professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Championship club Queens Park Rangers.
- Emeka Friday Eze
Emeka Friday Eze (born 26 September 1996) is a Nigerian footballer who plays as a striker for Turkish club Adanaspor on loan from Sturm Graz.
- Onyeka Nnadozie Eze
Onyeka Nnadozie Eze (9 January 1984), is a Nigerian businessman and philanthropist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Eze Numerology: Name Eze has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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