What does the name Evelin mean? What is the meaning of the name Evelin?
Meaning of Evelin: Name Evelin in the Latin, Greek origin, means a feminized word which signifies life or to live.. Name Evelin is of Latin, Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Evelin are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Evelin (Namesakes)
- Evelin Ilves
Evelin Ilves (née Int, formerly Int-Lambot; born 20 April 1968 in Tallinn) is the second wife of President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves.
- Evelin Jahl
Evelin Jahl (née Schlaak and later Herberg, born 28 March 1956 in Annaberg-Buchholz, Saxony, East Germany) is a German former discus thrower, who won two Olympic gold medals representing East Germany.
- Evelin Lindner
Evelin Gerda Lindner (born May 13, 1954, in Hameln, Germany) is a German-Norwegian medical doctor, psychologist, transdiciplinary scholar and author who is known for her theory of humiliation.
- Evelin Lanthaler
Evelin Lanthaler (born 6 May 1991) is an Italian luger who has competed since 2007.
- Evelin Banev
Evelin Banev (Bulgarian: Евелин Банев; October 8, 1964), also known by his nickname Brendo (Bulgarian: Брендо) is a real estate entrepreneur, a writer, and a former professional wrestler.
- Evelin Talts
Evelin Talts (née Evelin Kärner; born 18 June 1977) is an Estonian long-distance runner.
Talts was born in Tallinn.
- Rossy Evelin Lima
Rossy Evelin Lima-Padilla (born August 18, 1986 in Veracruz, Mexico), is a Mexican-American poet, professor and activist.
- Evelin Vacsi
Evelin Vacsi (born (1993-10-28)28 October 1993) is a Hungarian female volleyball player, playing as a middle-blocker.
- Evelin Võigemast
Evelin Võigemast (until 2007, Evelin Pang; born 22 May 1980) is an Estonian stage, film television and voice actress and singer.
- Evelin Hagoel
Evelin Hagoel (born 27 January 1961) is an Israeli actress.
- Evelin Mosdóczi
Evelin Mosdóczi (born 26 October 1994) is a Hungarian footballer who plays as a forward and has appeared for the Hungary women's national team.
- Evelin Fenyvesi
Evelin Fenyvesi (born 7 November 1996) is a Hungarian footballer who plays as a midfielder and has appeared for the Hungary women's national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Evelin Numerology: Name Evelin has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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