What does the name Eusebio mean? What is the meaning of the name Eusebio?
Meaning of Eusebio: Name Eusebio in the Spanish, Hawaiian origin, means one who worships well.. Name Eusebio is of Spanish, Hawaiian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Eusebio are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Eusebio (Namesakes)
- Eusebio Acasuzo
Eusebio Alfredo Acasuzo Colán (Spanish: Eusebio Acasuzo, born 8 April 1952) is a retired Peruvian professional football goalkeeper.
- Tony Eusebio
Raul Antonio Bare Eusebio (born April 27, 1967) is a former Major League Baseball catcher who played for the Houston Astros.
- Eusebio Sacristán
Eusebio Sacristán Mena (Spanish pronunciation: [ewˈseβjo sakɾisˈtan]; born 13 April 1964), known simply as Eusebio in his playing days, is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a central midfielder, and a manager.
- Eusebio Di Francesco
Eusebio Di Francesco (Italian pronunciation: [euˈzɛːbjo di franˈtʃesko]; born 8 September 1969) is an Italian manager, and former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Eusebio Escobar
Eusebio Escobar Ramírez (born 2 July 1936) was a Colombian footballer.
- Eusebio Bejarano
Eusebio Bejarano Vilaro (born 6 May 1948 in Badajoz, Spain) is a former Spanish footballer.
- Eusebio Unzué
Eusebio Unzué Labiano (born 26 February 1955 in Orcoyen, Navarra) is the team manager of both the men's Movistar Team and the women's Movistar Team Spanish professional cycling teams.
Movistar Team is a continuation of the former Banesto cycling team, where Unzué was also the team manager.
- Ketchup Eusebio
Michael Allen Eusebio (born September 9, 1985), better known by his stage name Ketchup Eusebio, is a Filipino actor.
- Eusebio Cardoso
Eusebio Cardoso (born 15 August 1950) is a Paraguayan long-distance runner.
- Eusebio Vélez
Eusebio Vélez Mandizabal (born 28 March 1935 in Durana) is a former professional Spanish cyclist.
- Eusebio Haliti
Eusebio Haliti (born 1 January 1991) is an Italian male retired sprinter and hurdler, who participated at the 2013 World Championships in Athletics.
- Eusebio Acea
Eusebio Acea (born 28 February 1969) is a Cuban rower.
- Eusebio Mesa
Eusebio Mesa (born 23 September 1938) is a Spanish boxer.
- Eusebio Serna
Eusebio Serna (born 13 June 1961) is a Spanish wrestler.
- Richael
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Eusebio Numerology: Name Eusebio has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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