What does the name Eunice mean? What is the meaning of the name Eunice?
Meaning of Eunice: Name Eunice in the Hebrew, United States, ग्रीक origin, means good victory.. Name Eunice is of Hebrew, United States, ग्रीक origin and is a Girl name. People with name Eunice are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Eunice (Namesakes)
- Eunice Olsen
Eunice Olsen (born 24 October 1977) is a Singaporean actress, host, communications trainer, producer and business woman.
- Eunice Huthart
Eunice Huthart (born 2 November 1966) is best known for winning Gladiators and then being invited to return to the show as a Gladiator herself, under the name "Blaze".
- Eunice Muñoz
Eunice Muñoz, OSE, GCIH (born July 30, 1928) is a Portuguese actress.
- Eunice Cho
Eunice Cho (born December 15, 1991 in New Jersey) is an American actress.
- Eunice Spry
Eunice Spry (born 28 April 1944) is a British woman from Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, a Jehovah's Witness who was convicted of 26 charges of child abuse against children in her foster care in April 2007.
- Eunice Beckmann
Eunice Beckmann (born 8 February 1992) is a German footballer who plays for 1.
- Eunice Castro
Eunice Castro Casaravilla (born January 6, 1976 in Montevideo) is a Uruguayan model of fashion and runway, professional theater dancer, television and runway hostess and actress of stage and screen.
- Eunice Lagusad
Eunice Michaella Lagusad (born May 18, 1998) is an actress and now a vlogger from Manila.
- Eunice Sato
Eunice Noda Sato (born June 8, 1921) is an American politician.
- Eunice Parsons
Eunice Jensen Parsons (born August 4, 1916) is an American modernist artist known for collages.
- Eunice Yung
Eunice Yung Hoi-yan (Chinese: 容海恩; born 7 June 1977) is a Hong Kong barrister and pro-Beijing politician.
- Eunice Chumba
Eunice Chebichii Chumba (born 23 May 1993) is a Kenyan born Bahraini female long distance runner as well as a cross country runner who has represented Bahrain after her switch from Kenya in several international sport events including Asian Games, Asian Athletics Championships, Asian Cross Country Championships.
- Mammito Eunice
Mammito Eunice (born 18 September 1993 as Eunice Wanjiru Njoki) is a stand up comedian, actress, writer and mc.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Eunice Numerology: Name Eunice has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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