What does the name Estrella mean? What is the meaning of the name Estrella?
Meaning of Estrella: Name Estrella in the Spanish origin, means a feminized word meaning star.. Name Estrella is of Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Estrella are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Estrella: a feminized word meaning star.
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Famous people with name Estrella (Namesakes)
- Estrella María Benzo Blas
Estrella María Benzo Blas, also known as Estrella, is a Spanish singer born in Seville.
- Estrella Morente
Estrella Morente (Estrella de la Aurora Morente Carbonell) is a Spanish flamenco singer.
- Estrella Blanca
Estrella Blanca (real name not revealed; born January 15, 1938) is retired a Mexican Luchador enmascarado, or masked professional wrestler.
- Alberto Estrella
- For other persons named Alberto Rodríguez, see Alberto Rodríguez.
Alberto Estrella (born Alberto Rodríguez Estrella, 23 September 1962) is a Mexican actor.
- Víctor Estrella Burgos
Víctor Estrella Burgos (American Spanish: [ˈbiktoɾ esˈtɾeʝa ˈβuɾɣos]; born August 2, 1980) is a Dominican retired professional tennis player.
- Eduardo Estrella
Rafael Eduardo Estrella Virella (born June 5, 1953) is a civil engineer, entrepreneur and Dominican politician.
- Hony Estrella
Hony Smile Gregoria Hilario Estrella(born January 1, 1984 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) is a Dominican actress and presenter.
- Alvaro Estrella
Alvaro Raul Estrella Zapata (born 14 August 1980) is a Swedish singer and dancer with Chilean origin who has participated twice in Melodifestivalen, the selection process for picking the Swedish entry to the Eurovision Song Contest.
- Virginia Baeza Estrella
Virginia Yleana Baeza Estrella (born 18 June 1965) is a Mexican politician affiliated with the National Action Party.
- Divina Estrella
Divina Estrella (born 20 October 1956) is a Dominican Republic sprinter.
- Milton Estrella
Milton Estrella (born 15 October 1954) is an Ecuadorian judoka.
- Estrella Durá
Estrella Durá Ferrandis (born 22 September 1963) is a Spanish Professor of Psychology at the University of Valencia and became a Member of the European Parliament in 2019 (9th legislature).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Estrella Numerology: Name Estrella has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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