What does the name Esra mean? What is the meaning of the name Esra?
Meaning of Esra: Name Esra in the Turkish, Urdu origin, means it means more or quick.. Name Esra is of Turkish, Urdu origin and is a Girl name. People with name Esra are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Esra (Namesakes)
- Esra Dalfidan
Esra Dalfidan is a Turkish-German jazz singer.
- Esra Gümüş
Esra Gümüş Kirici (born October 2, 1982 in Ankara) is a former Turkish volleyball player.
- Esra Şencebe
Esra Şencebe (born 21 December 1981) is a Turkish professional basketball player for Fenerbahçe.
- Esra Erol
Esra Erol (born 6 November 1985) is a Turkish female footballer currently playing in the Turkish First League in defender position for Beşiktaş J.K. with jersey number 23 in Istanbul.
- Esra Tromp
Esra Tromp (born 15 October 1990) is a Dutch racing cyclist.
- Esra Özkan
Esra Özkan (born September 8, 1996) is a Turkish women's football forward currently playing in the Turkish Women's First Football League for Kireçburnu Spor in Istanbul with jersey number 21.
- Esra Solmaz
Esra Solmaz (born March 20, 1995) is a Turkish women's football striker currently playing in the First League for Trabzon İdmanocağı with jersey number 99.
- Esra Güler
Esra Güler (born November 22, 1994) is a Turkish women's football midfielder currently playing in the Women's TjirdFirst League for Kılıçaslan Yıldızspor with jersey number 9.
- Esra Sibel Tezkan
Esra Sibel Tezkan (born February 23, 1993) is a Turkish-German female football defender currently playing in the German Women's Regional League of the Middle Rhine for 1.
- Esra Manya
Esra Manya (born April 11, 1999) is a Turkish women's football midfielder currently playing in the First League for 1207 Antalya Muratpaşa Belediye Spor with jersey number 9.
- Esra Gündar
Esra Gündar (born May 23, 1980) is a Turkish female handballer who plays for Yenimahalle Bld.
- Esra Ural
Esra Ural (born 18 August 1991) is a Turkish female professional basketball player for Fenerbahçe.
- Esra Kürkçü
Esra Kürkçü (born 5 February 1987) is a Turkish female professional road cyclist and mountain biker riding for Kapadokya B.K. She graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Education and Başkent University, Faculty of Education, Foreign Language Education in Ankara.
- Esra Bilgiç
Esra Bilgiç (born 14 October 1992) is a Turkish actress and model.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Esra Numerology: Name Esra has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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