What does the name Errol mean? What is the meaning of the name Errol
Meaning of Errol: Name Errol in the English, Latin origin, means army commander.. Name Errol is of English, Latin origin and is a Boy name. People with name Errol are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Errol: army commander.
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Famous people with name Errol (Namesakes)
- Errol Morris
Errol Mark Morris (born February 5, 1948) is an American film director primarily of documentaries examining and investigating, among other things, authorities and eccentrics.
- Errol Dunkley
Errol Dunkley (born 6 February 1951), sometimes spelled Erroll Dunkley, is a Jamaican reggae musician, born in Kingston, Jamaica in 1951.
- Errol Barnett
Errol Barnett (born 3 April 1983) is a British-born American anchor and national correspondent for CBS News based in New York City after covering President Trump for three years while based in Washington D.C..
- Errol Tobias
Errol George Tobias (born 18 March 1950) is a former South African rugby union footballer, and the first player of colour to play in a test match for the South African national side.
- Errol Stevens
Errol Anthony Stevens (born 9 May 1986) is a Jamaican footballer who now playing as a forward for Thanh Hóa F.C.
- Errol Brain
Errol Fraser Brain (born 21 July 1968) is a former New Zealand rugby union player and a current coach.
- Errol Spence Jr.
Errol Spence Jr. (born March 3, 1990) is an American professional boxer who is a unified welterweight champion, having held the IBF title since 2017 and the WBC title since 2019.
- Errol Damelin
Errol Damelin (born 23 August 1969) is a South African-born, Israeli entrepreneur and early-stage technology investor.
- Errol Kennedy
Errol Kennedy (born 9 June 1953 in Montego Bay, Jamaica) is a British musician (drummer, singer), songwriter, composer, producer and original member of the British soul, funk and pop band Imagination.
- Errol Simunapendi
Errol Simunapendi (born 10 September 1987) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a defender for Persiram Raja Ampat in the Indonesia Super League.
- Errol Draper
Errol John Draper (born 27 September 1934 in Port Elizabeth, Cape Province) is a former South African cricketer who played first-class cricket from 1951 to 1968.
- Errol Hastings
Errol Lewis Hastings (born in 1994) is a Northern Irish baker from Northern Ireland, best known for being Chief Artisan Baker of Sainsbury's since 2014.
He has worked as a baker since taking up the career as a teenager with an apprenticeship at Ashers Baking Company and has gone on to become head baker at a number of Sainsbury's stores around Britain.
- Errol Bungey
- Errol Arendz
Errol Arthur Arendz (born 16 October 1953) is a South African fashion designer.
- Klimentina
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Errol Numerology: Name Errol has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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