What does the name Eros mean? What is the meaning of the name Eros
Meaning of Eros: Name Eros in the Greek origin, means it means love.. Name Eros is of Greek origin and is a Boy name. People with name Eros are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Eros (Namesakes)
- Eros Poli
Eros Poli (born 6 August 1963 in Isola della Scala, Veneto) is an Italian former professional racing cyclist of the 1990s, notably employed as Mario Cipollini's lead-out man in bunch sprints.
- Eros Ramazzotti
Eros Walter Luciano Ramazzotti (Italian: [ˈɛːroz ˈvalter luˈtʃaːno ramatˈtsɔtti]; born 28 October 1963) is an Italian musician, singer and songwriter.
- Eros Pérez
Eros Roque Pérez Salas (born 3 June 1976) is a Chilean former footballer and journalist.
- Eros Pagni
- Eros Vlahos
Eros Vlahos (born 13 January 1995) is an English-Greek actor and comedian, probably best known for his roles as Cyril Gray in Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang, Jake Farley in Summer in Transylvania, and Lommy Greenhands in Game of Thrones.
- Eros Riccio
Eros Riccio (December 1, 1977, Lucca) is an Italian International Correspondence Chess Grandmaster, Advanced Chess Champion and chess opening book author.
- Eros Pisano
Eros Pisano (born 31 March 1987) is an Italian footballer who plays as a full-back for Pisa.
- Eros Djarot
Eros Djarot (born Rangkasbitung, Banten, 22 July 1950) is an Indonesian songwriter, director and politician.
- Eros Grezda
Eros Genc Grezda (born 15 April 1995) is an Albanian professional footballer who plays as a winger for Croatian club Osijek and the Albania national team.
- Eros Medaglia
Eros Medaglia (born 7 September 1994) is an Argentine footballer who plays for R.E. Virton as a right back.
- Eros Dacaj
- Eros De Santis
Eros De Santis (born 30 October 1997) is an Italian professional footballer who plays as a defender for Viterbese.
- Eros Maddy
Eros Maddy (born 5 February 2001) is a Dutch football player of Surinamese and Liberian descent.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Eros Numerology: Name Eros has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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