What does the name Erol mean? What is the meaning of the name Erol
Meaning of Erol: Name Erol in the Arabic, Turkish origin, means it means brave.. Name Erol is of Arabic, Turkish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Erol are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Erol (Namesakes)
- Erol Bulut
Erol Bulut (born 30 January 1975) is a Turkish former footballer and current manager of Alanyaspor.
- Erol Alkan
- Erol Gelenbe
Sami Erol Gelenbe (born 22 August 1945) is a Turkish-French computer scientist, electronic engineer and applied mathematician who is a Professor in the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and is also affiliated with the I3S Laboratory of the University of Cote d'Azur (Nice).
- Erol Iba
Erol Iba (born in Jayapura, Papua, 6 August 1979) is an retired Indonesian professional footballer.
- Didem Erol
Didem Erol, also known as Dana Flynn is an Australian-born Turkish American actress, model, and TV host.
- Altan Erol
Altan Erol (born May 28, 1983) is a Turkish professional basketball player for Merkezefendi Belediyesi Denizli Basket of the Turkish Basketball First League.
- Erol Evgin
Mehmet Erol Evgin (born 16 April 1947) is a Turkish pop singer, composer, and film actor.
- Erol Sander
Erol Sander (born 9 November 1968 as Urçun Salihoğlu) is a Turkish-German actor.
- Erol Sabanov
Erol Sabanov (born 16 May 1974) is a Bulgarian-German former footballer of Turkish origin who played as a goalkeeper.
- Erol Bekir
Erol Bekir, formerly known as Erol Bekirovski, (born 25 January 1974) is a Turkish-Swedish football manager and former player of Turkish origin with roots from Macedonia.
- Esra Erol
Esra Erol (born 6 November 1985) is a Turkish female footballer currently playing in the Turkish First League in defender position for Beşiktaş J.K. with jersey number 23 in Istanbul.
- Erol Erdal Alkan
Erol Erdal Alkan (born 16 February 1994) is a Turkish footballer who plays as a centre back.
- Metin Erol
Metin Erol (born 24 January 1987) is a Turkish footballer who currently plays as a goalkeeper for Giresunspor.
- Erol Küçükbakırcı
Erol Küçükbakırcı (born 20 April 1952) is a Turkish former cyclist.
- Erol Erdinç
Erol Erdinç (born 30 November 1945) is a Turkish conductor of classical music, composer, pianist and educator.
- Erol Dora
Erol Dora (born 2 February 1964 in Hassana near Silopi) is a lawyer and parliamentary politician of Turkey.
- Erol Demir
Erol Demir (Macedonian: Ерол Демир, born 18 September 1970) is a former Macedonian football player defender.
- Erol Mutlu
Erol Mutlu (born 1 March 1952) is a Turkish wrestler.
- Erol Zavar
Erol Zavar (born 1 January 1969) is the former editor of Odak magazine, a political prisoner, and a poet from Turkey.
Zavar was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Ankara State Security Court No.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Erol Numerology: Name Erol has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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