What does the name Ernie mean? What is the meaning of the name Ernie?
Meaning of Ernie: Name Ernie in the Irish origin, means a feminized Irish name which means earnestly serious and determined.. Name Ernie is of Irish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Ernie are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Ernie: a feminized Irish name which means earnestly serious and determined.
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Famous people with name Ernie (Namesakes)
- Ernie Els
Theodore Ernest Els (; born 17 October 1969) is a South African professional golfer.
- Ernie Hudson
Earnest Lee Hudson (born December 17, 1945) is an American character actor.
- Ernie Reyes Jr.
Ernie Reyes Jr. (born January 15, 1972) is an American actor and martial artist, known for his acting work in films such as The Last Dragon, Red Sonja (1985), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Donatello Fight Stuntman) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991), Surf Ninjas (1993), and The Rundown (2003).
- Ernie Chambers
Ernest William Chambers (born July 10, 1937) is an American politician who represents North Omaha's 11th District in the Nebraska State Legislature.
- Ernie Irvan
Virgil Earnest Irvan (born January 13, 1959), occasionally referred to as "Swervin' Irvan", is an American former professional stock car racing driver.
- Ernie Sabella
Ernest Sabella (born September 19, 1949) is an American actor.
- Ernie C
Ernie Cunnigan (born June 10, 1959), better known by his stage name Ernie C, is an American musician best known as the lead guitarist of heavy metal band Body Count.
Cunnigan was a special guest in one episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast.
- Ernie Sigley
Ernest William Sigley (born 2 September 1938) is a Gold Logie winning Australian host, radio presenter and singer.
- Ernie Anastos
Ernie Anastos (born July 12, 1943) is an American news anchor.
- Ernie Isley
Ernest "Ernie" Isley (born March 7, 1952) is a member of the American musical ensemble The Isley Brothers.
- Ernie Johnson Jr.
Ernest Thorwald Johnson Jr. (born August 7, 1956) is a sportscaster for Turner Sports and CBS Sports.
- Ernie Sims
Ernie Sims III (born December 23, 1984) is a former American football linebacker.
- Ernie Dingo
Ernest Ashley Dingo AM (born 31 July 1956) is an Indigenous Australian actor, television presenter, comedian, teacher and promoter originating from the Yamatji people of the Murchison region of Western Australia.
- Ernie Lively
Ernest Wilson Brown Jr. (born January 29, 1947) is an American actor and coach, and the father of actors Eric Lively and Blake Lively.
- Ernie Grunfeld
Ernest Grunfeld (born April 24, 1955) is an American former professional basketball player and former general manager in the National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Ernie Haase
Raymond Ernest "Ernie" Haase III (born December 12, 1964) is an American southern gospel singer.
- Ernie Accorsi
Ernest William Accorsi Jr. (born October 29, 1941) is a former American football executive.
- Ernie Moss
Ernest Moss (born 19 October 1949) is an English former footballer.
- Ernie Zakri
Nur Ernie Shahirah Zakri (born June 23, 1992) is a Malaysian singer, actress and vocal teacher.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Ernie Numerology: Name Ernie has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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