What does the name Emmett mean? What is the meaning of the name Emmett
Meaning of Emmett: Name Emmett in the English, United States, German, Hebrew origin, means somebody who has a lot of power and is brave.. Name Emmett is of English, United States, German, Hebrew origin and is a Boy name. People with name Emmett are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Emmett: somebody who has a lot of power and is brave.
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Famous people with name Emmett (Namesakes)
- Emmett James
- Emmett J. Scanlan
Emmett John Scanlan (born 31 January 1979) is an Irish actor from Dublin.
- Sean Emmett
- Emmett Tyrrell
Robert Emmett Tyrrell Jr. (born December 14, 1943) is an American conservative magazine editor, book author and columnist.
- Rik Emmett
Richard Gordon "Rik" Emmett (born July 10, 1953) is a vocalist, guitarist,member of the Canadian rock band Triumph.
- Nick Emmett
Nick Emmett (born 12 May 1982 in Grafton, New South Wales) is an Australian former professional rugby league footballer who played for the Brisbane Broncos and the St.
- Chris Emmett
Christopher Roderick Emmett (born 13 December 1938 in Nuneaton, Warwickshire) is a British actor and comedian best known for his work in the late 1970s on the BBC Radio 4 comedy The Burkiss Way and Alison and Maud.
- Emmett Skilton
Emmett Skilton (born 23 September 1987), also credited as Emmett Couling Skilton, is a New Zealand-based actor, director and producer.
- Emmett Cleary
Emmett Cleary (born April 27, 1990) is a former American football offensive tackle of the National Football League (NFL).
- Ed Emmett
Edward Martin Emmett (born August 14, 1949), is the former county judge of Harris County, Texas.
- Randall Emmett
Randall Ives Emmett (born March 25, 1971) is an American film and television producer.
- Emmett Hughes
Emmett Hughes (born 28 January 1987 in Headford, Galway) is an award winning Irish actor, writer and producer.
- Josh Emmett
Josh Emmett (born March 4, 1985) is an American mixed martial artist currently competing in the featherweight division with Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).
- Emmett Naar
Emmett Naar (born 3 July 1994) is an Australian professional basketball player for the Illawarra Hawks of the National Basketball League (NBL).
- Emmett Keeler
Emmett Brown Keeler (born September 28, 1941) is an American mathematician who works as a senior mathematician at the RAND Corporation.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Emmett Numerology: Name Emmett has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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