What does the name Emir mean? What is the meaning of the name Emir
Meaning of Emir: Name Emir in the Turkish, Urdu origin, means a prince or a commander or a general of the army.. Name Emir is of Turkish, Urdu origin and is a Boy name. People with name Emir are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Emir: a prince or a commander or a general of the army.
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Famous people with name Emir (Namesakes)
- Emir Murati
Emir Murati (born 7 March 2000) is an Italian-born Croatian football player.
- Emir Kusturica
Emir Kusturica (Serbian Cyrillic: Емир Кустурица; born 24 November 1954) is a Serbian filmmaker, actor and musician.
- Emir Spahić
Emir Spahić (Bosnian pronunciation: [ěmir spǎxiːtɕ]; born 18 August 1980) is a Bosnian former professional footballer who played as a centre back.
- Emir Preldžić
Emir Preldžić (born 6 September 1987) is a Turkish professional basketball player for Orlovik Žepče of the A2 League of FBiH, third level of basketball in the Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Emir Hadžihafizbegović
Emir Hadžihafizbegović (Bosnian pronunciation: [ˈemir ˈhaʤiˈhafizˌbegovitɕ]; born 20 August 1961) is a Bosnian theater, film and television actor.
- Emir Suljagić
Emir Suljagić (May 21, 1975) is a Bosnian journalist and politician who is currently the Director of the Srebrenica Genocide Memorial.
- Emir Dzafič
Emir Dzafič (born 8 September 1972) is a Slovenian former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Emir (singer)
Emir Sevinç (born 7 September 1980) is a Turkish singer and songwriter.
- Emir Mutapčić
Emir Mutapčić (born 27 May 1960) is a former Bosnian professional basketball player and current assistant coach of Bayern Munich.
- Emir Sulejmanović
Emir Sulejmanović (born July 13, 1995) is a Bosnian professional basketball player for RETAbet Bilbao Basket of the Liga ACB.
- Emir Sahiti
Emir Sahiti (born 29 November 1998) is an Albanian professional footballer who plays as a winger for Croatian club Hajduk Split in the Croatian First Football League.
- Emir Shigaybaev
Emir Shigaybaev (Kyrgyz: Эмир Шигайбаев; born 12 August 2001) is a Kyrgyzstani professional footballer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Emir Numerology: Name Emir has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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