What does the name Emanuela mean? What is the meaning of the name Emanuela
Meaning of Emanuela: Name Emanuela in the Hebrew, French origin, means the literal meaning of this name is god be with us.. Name Emanuela is of Hebrew, French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Emanuela are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Emanuela: the literal meaning of this name is god be with us.
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Famous people with name Emanuela (Namesakes)
- Emanuela de Paula
Emanuela de Paula (born April 25, 1989) is a Brazilian model.
- Emanuela Brizio
Emanuela Brizio (born 10 September 1968) is an Italian female sky runner who won two Skyrunning World Cups (2009, 2010).
- Emanuela Zardo
Emanuela Zardo (born April 24, 1970) is a former professional tennis player who competed for Switzerland.
- Emanuela Salopek
Emanuela Salopek (born 18 April 1987 in Niš, SFR Yugoslavia) is a Croatian female basketball player.
- Emanuela Felici
Emanuela Felici (born December 22, 1980 in Borgo Maggiore) is a Sammarinese sport shooter.
- Emanuela Sossi
Emanuela Sossi (born 7 March 1972) is an Italian yacht racer who competed in the 1996 Summer Olympics and in the 2000 Summer Olympics.
- Emanuela Menuzzo
Emanuela Menuzzo (born 1 August 1956) is an Italian former cyclist.
- Emanuela Viola
Emanuela Viola (born 12 January 1972) is an Italian swimmer.
- Emanuela (singer)
Emiliya Ivanova Tsvetkova (in Bulgarian: Емилия Иванова Цветкова), known professionally as Emanuela (in Bulgarian: Емануела) is a Bulgarian singer.
- Emanuela Silimbani
Emanuela Silimbani (born 26 April 1959) is an Italian basketball player.
- Emanuela Rossi
Emanuela Rossi (born January 24, 1959) is an Italian actress and voice actress.
- Emanuela Brusati
Emanuela Brusati (born 19 April 1973) is an Italian former professional tennis player.
- Emanuela Del Re
Emanuela Claudia Del Re (born 6 December 1963) is an Italian politician.
- Emanuela Rei
Emanuela Di Crosta, better known as Emanuela Rei (Rome, 26 February 1991), is Italian actress and singer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Emanuela Numerology: Name Emanuela has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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