What does the name Elwood mean? What is the meaning of the name Elwood
Meaning of Elwood: Name Elwood in the English origin, means this nam means an elder forest tree.. Name Elwood is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Elwood are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Elwood: this nam means an elder forest tree.
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BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Elwood
Famous people with name Elwood (Namesakes)
- Elwood Edwards
Elwood Edwards (born November 6, 1949) is an American voice over actor.
- Elwood Reid
Brian "Elwood" Reid (born December 19, 1966) is an American novelist, short-story writer and television screenwriter.
- Graham Elwood
Graham Elwood (born August 5, 1969) is an American comedian, actor, podcaster, and writer.
- Elwood Hillis
Elwood Haynes "Bud" Hillis (born March 6, 1926) is an American politician and lawyer from Indiana.
- Eric Elwood
Eric Elwood is a former Irish rugby union player from Galway.
- Brian Elwood
Sir Brian George Conway Elwood (born 5 April 1933) is a former New Zealand lawyer, politician, and public servant.
- Elwood Thorpe
Elwood C. "Woody" Thorpe (born February 5, 1929), is an American politician who was a member of the North Dakota State House of Representatives.
- Elwood Robinson
Elwood L. Robinson is an American academic, university administrator and clinical psychologist currently serving as the 13th Chancellor of Winston-Salem State University.
- Courtney Simmons Elwood
Courtney Simmons Elwood is an American attorney who is the General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
- Jon St. Elwood
Jon St.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Elwood Numerology: Name Elwood has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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