What does the name Elmar mean? What is the meaning of the name Elmar
Meaning of Elmar: Name Elmar in the Teutonic origin, means The one who is awe-aspiring. Name Elmar is of Teutonic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Elmar are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Elmar (Namesakes)
- Elmar Brok
Elmar Peter Brok (born 14 May 1946) is a German politician who served as Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from 1980 until 2019, who is best known for his role as chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs.
- Theódór Elmar Bjarnason
- Elmar Mammadyarov
Elmar Mammadyarov Maharram oglu (Azerbaijani: Elmar Məmmədyarov Məhərrəm oğlu), born July 2, 1960) is an Azerbaijani diplomat who has served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan since 2004.
- Elmar Bakhshiyev
Elmar Bakhshiev (Azerbaijani: Elmar Baxşiyev; born 3 August 1980, in Qusar) is a retired Azerbaijani football midfielder.
- Elmar Magerramov
Elmar Magerramov (Azerbaijani: Elmar Məhərrəmov; Russian: Эльмар Магеррамов; born April 10, 1958 in Baku, Azerbaijan) is an international chess Grandmaster.
- Elmar Geirsson
Elmar Geirsson (born 25 July 1948) is an Icelandic former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Elmar Bolowich
Elmar Bolowich (born July 10, 1954) is head coach of the George Mason Patriots men's soccer team at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, United States.
- Elmar Borrmann
Elmar Borrmann (born 18 January 1957) is a German fencer.
- Elmar Gasimov
Elmar Gasimov (Azerbaijani: Elmar Qasimov, born 2 November 1990) is an Azerbaijani judoka.
- Elmar Díaz Solórzano
Elmar Darinel Díaz Solórzano (born 11 July 1969) is a Mexican politician affiliated with the Institutional Revolutionary Party.
- Elmar Zeitler
Elmar Zeitler (12 March 1927) is a German physicist.
- Elmar Reinders
Elmar Reinders (born 14 March 1992 in Emmen) is a Dutch racing cyclist, who currently rides for UCI ProTeam Riwal Readynez.
- Elmar Mammadov
Elmar Mammadov (born October 9, 1967) is chairman of the board of the International Bank of Azerbaijan
Mammadov was born in Baku on 9 October 1967.
- Elmar Xeyirov
Elmar Xeyirov (born 14 January 1987) is a retired Azerbaijani professional footballer.
- Elmar Kunauer
Elmar Kunauer (born 18 April 1940) is an Austrian sprinter.
- Elmar Degenhart
Elmar Walter Degenhart (born January 29, 1959 in Dossenheim) is a German manager and chairman of the Board of Continental AG since 12 August 2009.
- Elmar Messner
Elmar Messner (born 28 August 1970) is an Italian snowboarder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Elmar Numerology: Name Elmar has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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