What does the name Ellison mean? What is the meaning of the name Ellison
Meaning of Ellison: Name Ellison in the English origin, means Salvation; one who is the Son of Elder. Name Ellison is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Ellison are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Ellison: Salvation; one who is the Son of Elder
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Famous people with name Ellison (Namesakes)
- Larry Ellison
Lawrence Joseph Ellison (born August 17, 1944) is an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist who is a co-founder and the executive chairman and chief technology officer (CTO) of Oracle Corporation.
- Jennifer Ellison
Jennifer Lesley Ellison (born 30 May 1983) is an English actress, former glamour model, television personality, dancer and singer.
- Brooke Ellison
Brooke Mackenzie Ellison (born October 20, 1978) is an American politician.
- Pervis Ellison
Pervis Ellison (born April 3, 1967) is an American former National Basketball Association (NBA) player.
- Chase Ellison
Chase Ellison (born September 22, 1993) is an American actor.
- Chris Ellison (actor)
Christopher Michael Ellison (born 16 December 1946 in St Pancras, London) is an English actor.
- Riki Ellison
Riki Morgan Ellison (born August 15, 1960) is a New Zealand-American former college and professional American football linebacker, who played ten seasons in the National Football League (NFL), and went by the name Riki Gray while in college at USC as an All-Pac-10 player in 1982.
- Keith Ellison
Keith Maurice Ellison (born August 4, 1963) is an American politician and lawyer serving as the 30th Attorney General of Minnesota.
- Casey Ellison
Casey Ellison (born March 2, 1976) is a former American child actor best known for his role as Allen Anderson on Punky Brewster.
- David Ellison
David Ellison (born January 9, 1983) is an American film producer and the founder and CEO of Skydance Media.
- Dean Ellison
Dean Bruce Ellison (born 14 November 1977 in Lancaster, Lancashire) is a former motorcycle racer from Britain.
- John Ellison
John Ellison (born 11 August 1941) is an American/Canadian musician, best known for writing the song "Some Kind of Wonderful." He was born in Montgomery, West Virginia, and was raised in Landgraff, West Virginia, a small, poverty-stricken coal mining village near Welch, West Virginia, and is a dual citizen of the United States and Canada, receiving his Canadian citizenship in 2006.
- Katherine Ellison
Katherine Ellison (born August 19, 1957) is an American author.
- Jane Ellison
Jane Elizabeth Ellison (born 15 August 1964) is a British Conservative Party politician, who was first elected at the 2010 general election as the Member of Parliament for Battersea.
- Charlie Ellison
Charles Peter Ellison (born 26 January 1991) is an English former university cricketer.
- Megan Ellison
Margaret Elizabeth Ellison (born January 31, 1986) is an American film producer and entrepreneur.
- Rhett Ellison
Rhett Marshall Ellison (born October 3, 1988) is a former American football tight end who played eight seasons in the National Football League (NFL).
- Ellison Barber
Ellison Litton Barber is an American journalist a correspondent for NBC News based in New York.
- Cara Ellison
Cara Ellison (born 28 September 1985) is a Scottish video game critic and developer.
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Krittika Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Ellison Numerology: Name Ellison has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
As the name for your baby has a number value of 5, it suggests brilliance, enthusiasm, energy and versatility. These individuals are believed to be adventurous and love their freedom. They like challenges and get bored with routine. They often need several activities to keep their active mind occupied.
They are very much the adventurer at heart. Not particularly concerned about their future. They have issues involving expression, will power, truth, and education. They can be excellent problem solvers, as they tend to be analytical. The idea of travel and freedom to roam intrigues them.
Positive Characteristics
- 5s are energetic, adventurous, daring and freedom-loving. They also tend to be versatile, flexible, adaptable, curious, social, sensual, quick-thinking, witty, courageous and worldly.
- They are adaptable and versatile.
Negative Characteristics
- On the flip side, 5s can be unstable, chaotic, self-indulgent, irresponsible or careless. They should beware the consequences of drug abuse and unhealthy sexual tendencies.
- They are restless and impatient. They dislike the routine work. They jump from one activity to another activity, without ever finishing anything.
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