What does the name Ellen mean? What is the meaning of the name Ellen
Meaning of Ellen: Name Ellen in the English origin, means Variant of Helen; bright, shining light. Name Ellen is of English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Ellen are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Ellen (Namesakes)
- Ellen Burstyn
Ellen Burstyn (born Edna Rae Gillooly; December 7, 1932) is an American actress.
- Ellen Ochoa
Ellen L. Ochoa (born May 10, 1958) is an American engineer, former astronaut and former director of the Johnson Space Center.
- Ellen Barkin
Ellen Rona Barkin (born April 16, 1954) is an American actress and producer.
- Ellen Muth
Ellen Muth (born March 6, 1981) is an American actress, known for her role as Georgia "George" Lass in Showtime's series Dead Like Me.
- Ellen Foley
Ellen Foley (born June 5, 1951) is an American singer and actress who has appeared on Broadway and television, where she co-starred in the sitcom Night Court.
- Ellen Pompeo
Ellen Kathleen Pompeo (born November 10, 1969) is an American actress, director, and producer.
- Ellen Page
Ellen Grace Philpotts-Page (born February 21, 1987) is a Canadian actress and producer.
- Ellen Greene
Ellen Greene (born February 22, 1951) is an American singer and actress.
- Ellen Cleghorne
Ellen Cleghorne (born November 29, 1965) is an American actress and comedian, best known as a cast member of Saturday Night Live from 1991 to 1995.
- Ellen Sandweiss
Ellen Sandweiss (born December 30, 1958) is an American actress.
- Ellen Travolta
Ellen M. Travolta (born October 6, 1939) is an American actress.
- Ellen Reid
Ellen Lorraine Reid (born 14 July 1966) is a Canadian musician.
- Ellen Geer
Ellen Ware Geer (born August 29, 1941) is an American actress, professor, and theatre director.
- Ellen Hopkins
Ellen Louise Hopkins (born March 26, 1955) is a novelist who has published several New York Times bestselling novels that are popular among the teenage and young adult audience.
- Ellen Whitaker
- Ellen Crawford
Ellen Ann Crawford (born April 29, 1951) is an American actress.
- Ellen DeGeneres
Ellen Lee DeGeneres ( də-JEN-ər-əs; born January 26, 1958) is an American comedian, television host, actress, writer, and producer.
- Ellen Adarna
Ellen Meriam Go Adarna (born April 2, 1988) is a Filipino actress, the eldest child and only daughter of a Filipina-Chinese mother and Spanish father.
- Ellen Woglom
Ellen Woglom is an American actress best known for such films and television series as Crash, Outlaw, Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior, Hated, April Showers and Californication.
In 2017, she joined the cast of Marvel's Inhumans.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Ellen Numerology: Name Ellen has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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