What does the name Eliseo mean? What is the meaning of the name Eliseo?
Meaning of Eliseo: Name Eliseo in the Celtic, Italian origin, means They are kind and peace loving. Name Eliseo is of Celtic, Italian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Eliseo are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Eliseo (Namesakes)
- Eliseo Quintanilla
Eliseo Antonio Quintanilla Ortíz (born 5 February 1983 in Santa Tecla, La Libertad) is a former Salvadoran professional footballer.
- Eliseo Salazar
Eliseo Salazar Valenzuela (born 14 November 1954) is a Chilean former racing driver.
- Eliseo Castillo
Eliseo Castillo (born April 29, 1975 in Havana, Cuba) is a professional boxer.
- Eliseo Soriano
Eliseo "Eli" Fernando Soriano (born April 4, 1947), also known as Brother Eli or Kapatid na Eli, is a Filipino televangelist.
- Eliseo Salamanca
José Eliseo Salamanca Bermúdez (born October 24, 1979 in San Rafael Oriente, El Salvador) is a Salvadoran professional football player.
- Eliseo Medina
Eliseo Vasquez Medina (born January 24, 1946) is a Mexican American labor union activist and leader, and advocate for immigration reform in the United States.
- Eliseo Rivero
Eliseo Roque Rivero Pérez (born 27 December 1957) is a former Uruguayan footballer.
- Eliseo Giusfredi
Eliseo David Giusfredi (born 2 October 1986) is a retired Argentine football forward.
- Eliseo Insfrán
Eliseo Insfrán Orué (born 27 October 1935 in Asunción, Paraguay) is a Paraguayan footballer who played for clubs in Paraguay, Colombia and Chile and for the Paraguay national football team in the FIFA World Cup in Sweden in 1958.
- Eliseo Roberto Colón Zayas
Eliseo Roberto Colón Zayas (Puerto Rico, 1956) is a Puerto Rican communication, semiotician, cultural theorist and mass media researcher who specializes in Latin American Mass Media Studies, Semiotics, Cultural Studies, Mass Media Culture, Discourse Analysis, Aesthetics and Advertising Discourse and has written extensively on melodrama and mass media narratives in Latin America, virtual interface mediated narratives, neoliberalism and mass media narratives, advertising discourse and on Puerto Rican mass media topics.
- Eliseo Vidal
Eliseo Vidal (born 19 February 1951) is a Cuban former swimmer.
- Eliseo Falcón
Eliseo Falcón Falcón (born 11 February 1997), simply known as Eliseo, is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for Levante UD as a central defender.
- Eliseo Branca
Eliseo Nicolás Branca (born 20 September 1957 in Hurlingham) is a former Argentine rugby union player.
- Eliseo Rio Jr.
Eliseo Mijares Rio Jr. (born October 27, 1944) is a Filipino retired brigadier general and electronics engineer who is the former Undersecretary for Operations of the Philippines' Department of Information and Communications Technology and once headed the department from 2017 to 2019 as Officer-in-charge.
- Eliseo Paolini
Eliseo Paolini (born 6 March 1947) is a Sammarinese sports shooter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Eliseo Numerology: Name Eliseo has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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