What does the name Elisabet mean? What is the meaning of the name Elisabet?
Meaning of Elisabet: Name Elisabet in the Swedish origin, means One who is madly devoted to God. Name Elisabet is of Swedish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Elisabet are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Elisabet (Namesakes)
- Elisabet Abeyà
Elisabet Abeyà Lafontana (born 20 May 1951) is a teacher, psychologist and Catalan novelist.
- Elisabet Martínez
Elisabet Martínez (born 13 June 1988) is a Spanish rugby sevens player.
- Elisabet Gustafson
Elisabet Gustafson (born 2 May 1964) is a retired Swedish curler, world champion and Olympic medalist.
- Elisabet Sadó Garriga
Elisabet Sadó Garriga, (born September 22, 1981 in Barcelona, Spain) is a professional squash player who represented Spain.
- Elisabet Carlsson
Elisabet Carlsson (born 9 January 1968 in Östra Göinge Municipality, Sweden) is a Swedish actress.
- Elisabet Höglund
Elisabet Höglund (born 29 August 1944) is a Swedish author and political journalist, working in Swedish television and radio as a reporter.
- Elisabet Escursell Valero
- Elisabet Barnes
Elisabet Barnes (born April 13, 1977, née Frankenberg) is a Swedish athlete specialized in ultrarunning.
- Elisabet Llabrés
- Elisabet Reinsalu
Elisabet Reinsalu (until 2012, Elisabet Tamm; born 26 April 1976) is an Estonian stage, television, voice, and film actress.
- Elisabet Cesáreo
Elisabet Cesáreo Romero (born 25 May 1999) is a Spanish handball player for BM Bera Bera and the Spanish national team.
She represented Spain at the 2019 World Women's Handball Championship.
- Elisabet Delgado
Elisabet Delgado (born 10 June 1975) is a Spanish taekwondo practitioner.
- Elisabet Vang
Elisabet Vang (born 24 April 1998) is a Faroese footballer who plays as a defender and has appeared for the Faroe Islands women's national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Elisabet Numerology: Name Elisabet has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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