What does the name Elisa mean? What is the meaning of the name Elisa
Meaning of Elisa: Name Elisa in the American, Italian, Spanish origin, means One who is consecrated to god. Name Elisa is of American, Italian, Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Elisa are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Elisa (Namesakes)
- Elisa (Italian singer)
Elisa Toffoli (born December 19, 1977), performing under the mononym Elisa, is an Italian singer-songwriter.
- Elisa Donovan
Elisa Donovan (born Lisa Adaline Donovan; February 3, 1971) is an American actress, writer, and producer.
- Elisa Tovati
Elisa Tovati born Elisa Touati is a French singer, actress and television personality.
- Gillian Elisa
Gillian Elizabeth Thomas (born 10 August 1953) is an actress, singer, and comedian.
- Elisa Martin
Elisa C. Martin (born 3 August 1972) is a Spanish singer.
- Elisa Au
Elisa Au Fonseca (born May 29, 1981 in Honolulu, Hawaii) is an American martial arts instructor and karate practitioner.
- Elisa Montés
Elisa Rosario Ruiz Penella (born 15 December 1934, in Granada), known as Elisa Montés, is a Spanish actress who took her pseudonym from the celebrated work of her grandfather, Manuel Penella, El gato montés.
- Elisa Isoardi
Elisa Isoardi (born 27 December 1982) is an Italian television host.
- Maria Elisa
Maria Elisa Domingues, known as Maria Elisa (born June 4, 1950) is a Portuguese journalist and television presenter.
- Elisa (Japanese singer)
Elisa (born April 14, 1989) is a female Japanese singer and fashion model from Kanagawa Prefecture.
- Elisa Heinsohn
Elisa Heinsohn (born October 11, 1962) is an actress who starred as Jillian Beckett in the sixth season of the television series version of Fame.
- Elisa Sednaoui
Elisa Sednaoui (born December 14, 1987) is a model, actress, philanthropist and film director of Italian, Egyptian, and French descent.
- Elisa Rego
Elisa Pérez Rego, better known in music world simply as, Elisa Rego, is a singer, songwriter and radio host.
- Elisa Mouliaá
Elisa Mouliaá (born Madrid 7 January 1989) is a Spanish actress.
- Elisa Lindström
Eva Elisa Lindström (born 24 April 1991) is a Swedish singer of country and pop music, and in dansbands.
- Elisa Lasowski
Elisa Wald-Lasowski (born 15 November 1986 in The Hague) is a French actress, most notable for her film and television work.
- Elisa Beni
Elisa Beni Uzabal (born 31 July 1965) is a Spanish journalist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Elisa Numerology: Name Elisa has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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