What does the name Elif mean? What is the meaning of the name Elif?
Meaning of Elif: Name Elif in the Turkish origin, means One with a slender body; original. Name Elif is of Turkish origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Elif: One with a slender body; original
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Famous people with name Elif (Namesakes)
- Elif Altınkaynak
Elif Altınkaynak (born 20 August 1974) is a Turkish archer.
- Elif Shafak
Elif Shafak (Turkish: Elif Şafak, pronounced [eˈlif ʃaˈfak]; born 25 October 1971) is a Turkish-British writer, storyteller, essayist, academic, public speaker, and women's rights activist.
- Elif Ağca Yarar
Elif Ağca Yarar (born February 10, 1984 in Ankara) is a retired national level Turkish volleyball player who last played for Fenerbahçe.
- Begünhan Elif Ünsal
Begünhan Elif Ünsal (born January 4, 1993) is a Turkish female archer.
- Elif Jale Yeşilırmak
Elif Jale Yeşilırmak, née Yulia Guramievna Rekvava (Russian: Юлия Гурамиевна Реквава), (born July 30, 1986 in Smolensk, Russia) is a Russian-Turkish female wrestler.
- Elif Yıldırım
Elif Yıldırım Gören (born February 14, 1990 in İznik, Bursa Province, Turkey) is a Turkish female sprinter, who is specialized in the 400m hurdles event.
- Elif Deniz
Elif Deniz (born March 25, 1993) is a Turkish women's football midfielder currently playing in the First League for Trabzon İdmanocağı with jersey number 11.
- Elif Doğan Türkmen
Elif Doğan Türkmen (born 1 January 1962) is a Turkish politician from the Republican People's Party (CHP), who has served as a Member of Parliament for Adana since 7 June 2015.
- Elif Sıla Aydın
Elif Sıla Aydın (born April 11, 1996) is a Turkish women's handballer, who plays in the Turkish Women's Handball Super League for Kastamonu, and the Turkey national team.
- Elif Celep
Elif Zeynep Celep (born 1 January 1994) is a former Turkish individual rhythmic gymnast who now competes for Azerbaijan.
- Elif Elmas
Elif Elmas (Macedonian: Елиф Елмас; born 24 September 1999) is a Macedonian professional footballer who plays for Serie A club S.S.C. Napoli and the North Macedonia national team as a midfielder.
- Elif Keskin
Elif Keskin (born 12 January 2002) is a Turkish women's football midfielder currently playing in the Turkish Women's First League for Beşiktaş J.K. with jersey number 55.
- Elif Güneri
Elif Güneri (born 9 October 1987) is a Turkish boxer.
- Elif Ekşi
Elif Ekşi (born 21 March 1967) is a Turkish archer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Elif Numerology: Name Elif has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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