What does the name Eleonora mean? What is the meaning of the name Eleonora
Meaning of Eleonora: Name Eleonora in the Italian, Swedish, Dutch, German, Polish origin, means Shining bright light coming from above. Name Eleonora is of Italian, Swedish, Dutch, German, Polish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Eleonora are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Eleonora (Namesakes)
- Eleonora Giorgi
- Eleonora Daniele
Eleonora Daniele (born 20 August 1976) is an Italian former actress and currently television presenter.
- Eleonora Brown
Eleonora Brown (born August 22, 1948 in Naples) is an Italian film actress.
- Eleonora, Princess of Ligne
Eleonora, Princess of Ligne (born Eleonora Maria Josefa Rosa Filipa Miguela Gabriela Rafaela Gonzaga de Orléans e Bragança e Wittelsbach on 20 May 1953) is the wife of Michel, 14th Prince of Ligne, the head of the House of Ligne since 2005.
- Ann Eleonora Jørgensen
Ann Eleonora Jørgensen (born 16 October 1965 in Hjørring, Denmark) is a Danish film, television and stage actress.
- Eleonora Pedron
Eleonora Pedron (born 13 July 1982) is an Italian model and actress, who was crowned Miss Italia 2002.
- Eleonora Vinnichenko
Eleonora Serhiyivna Vynnychenko (Ukrainian: Елеонора Сергіївна Винниченко, born 5 September 1993) is a Ukrainian former competitive figure skater.
- Eleonora Vild
Eleonora Vild Đoković (Serbian Cyrillic: Елеонора Вилд Ђоковић; born June 9, 1969) is a Serbian former basketball player who competed for Yugoslavia in the 1988 Summer Olympics.
- Eleonora Abbagnato
Eleonora Abbagnato (Italian pronunciation: [eleoˈnɔːra abbaɲˈɲaːto]; born 30 June 1978) is an Italian ballet dancer, model, and actress.
- Eleonora Forenza
Eleonora Forenza (born 10 November 1976) is an Italian politician, spokesperson for culture and communications in the Communist Refoundation Party.
- Eleonora Patuzzo
Eleonora Patuzzo (born 16 October 1989) is a road cyclist from Italy.
- Eleonora Cortini
Eleonora Cortini (born 14 January 1992, in Trieste) is an Italian Soubrette, model, actress and television presenter.
- Eleonora Goldoni
Eleonora Goldoni (Finale Emilia, born 16 February 1996) is an Italian footballer who plays as a forward and has appeared for the Italy women's national team.
- Motiwala
- Eleonora Zouganeli
Eleonora Zouganeli (Greek: Ελεωνόρα Ζουγανέλη, Greek pronunciation: [eleonora zouganeli], born 1 February 1983), is a Greek singer.
- Eleonora Alverà
Eleonora Alverà (born November 26, 1982 in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy) is an Italian curler.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Eleonora Numerology: Name Eleonora has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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