What does the name Eleanor mean? What is the meaning of the name Eleanor?
Meaning of Eleanor: Name Eleanor in the English, Greek origin, means One with bright and shining personality. Name Eleanor is of English, Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Eleanor are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Eleanor (Namesakes)
- Eleanor Lee
Eleanor Lee Kai Xin (born October 12, 1999) is a Singaporean actress, singer and model.
- Eleanor Bron
Eleanor Bron (born 14 March 1938) is an English stage, film and television actress, and an author.
- Eleanor Laing
Dame Eleanor Fulton Laing, (née Pritchard, born 1 February 1958) is a British politician serving as the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Epping Forest constituency since 1997.
- Eleanor Coppola
Eleanor Coppola (born May 4, 1936) is an American documentary filmmaker, artist, and writer.
- Eleanor Clift
Eleanor Clift (born July 7, 1940) is an American political reporter, television pundit, and author.
- Eleanor Antin
Eleanor Antin (née Fineman; February 27, 1935) is an American performance artist, film-maker, installation artist, conceptual artist and feminist artist.
- Eleanor Friedberger
Eleanor Friedberger (born September 2, 1976) is an American singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
- Eleanor Roosevelt Seagraves
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Seagraves (née Dall, born March 25, 1927, in New York City) is an American librarian, educator, historian, and editor.
- Eleanor Matsuura
Eleanor Matsuura (born 16 July 1983) is a Japanese-born British actress, who is best known for her roles as Yumiko in The Walking Dead, Hannah Santo in Spooks: The Greater Good, Bev in Utopia and as PC Donna Prager in Cuffs.
- Eleanor Clark
Eleanor Clark (1913 – 1996) was an American writer and "master stylist," best known for her non-fiction accounts.
- Eleanor Tomlinson
Eleanor May Tomlinson (born 19 May 1992) is an English actress and singer, known for her roles as Princess Isabelle in Jack the Giant Slayer (2013), Isabel Neville in The White Queen, and Demelza Poldark in Poldark.
- Eleanor David
Maria Eleanor David (born 30 November 1955) is an English actress who has worked on projects in the UK, the US and New Zealand.
- Eleanor Catton
Eleanor Catton (born 24 September 1985) is a New Zealand novelist and screenwriter.
- Eleanor Davis
Eleanor McCutcheon Davis (born January 16, 1983) is an American cartoonist and illustrator.
- Eleanor Worthington Cox
Eleanor Winifred Worthington Cox (born 21 June 2001) is a British actress from Merseyside most known for portraying Matilda Wormwood in Matilda the Musical for which she won a Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actress, and Janet Hodgson in The Enfield Haunting, for which she received a British Academy Television Award nomination.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Eleanor Numerology: Name Eleanor has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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