What does the name Eivind mean? What is the meaning of the name Eivind?
Meaning of Eivind: Name Eivind in the Norwegian origin, means Happy warrior; one who brings peace. Name Eivind is of Norwegian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Eivind are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Eivind (Namesakes)
- Eivind Reiten
Eivind Kristofer Reiten (born 2 April 1953) is a Norwegian economist, corporate officer and politician for the Centre Party.
- Eivind Aarset
Eivind Aarset (born 23 March 1961) is a Norwegian guitarist who has worked with Ray Charles, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Ute Lemper, Ketil Bjørnstad, Andy Sheppard, Mike Mainieri, Arild Andersen, Abraham Laboriel, Dhafer Youssef, Django Bates, and Nils Petter Molvaer.
- Eivind Andreassen
Eivind Andreassen (born 16 January 1962) is a retired Norwegian football striker.
- Eivind Karlsbakk
Eivind Vorren Karlsbakk, born 4 May 1975, is a retired footballer from Stryn in Norway.
- Eivind Tangen
Eivind Tangen (born 4 May 1993) is a Norwegian handball player for Skjern Håndbold and the Norwegian national team.
He participated at the 2011 World Men's Handball Championship.
- Eivind Kolding
Eivind Drachmann Kolding (born 16 November 1959) is a Danish businessman and entrepreneur.
- Eivind Henriksen
Eivind Henriksen (born 14 September 1990) is a Norwegian athlete.
- Eivind Lønning
Eivind Nordset Lønning (born 20 January 1983 in Kolbotn, Norway) is a Norwegian Jazz musician (trumpet) known from playing with Christian Wallumrød, Joshua Redman, Dave Holland and Chick Corea, and performed commissioned works by Eirik Hegdal, Per Zanussi, Ståle Storløkken, Motorpsycho and Erlend Skomsvoll.
- Eivind Engebretsen
Eivind Engebretsen (born in Oslo, November 17, 1974) is a Norwegian researcher in the philosophy of medicine.
- Eivind Gullberg Jensen
Eivind Gullberg Jensen (born 1 April 1972) is a Norwegian conductor.
- Eivind Austad
Eivind Waage Austad (born 3 November 1973 in Bergen, Norway) is a Norwegian jazz pianist living in Bergen.
- Eivind Helgesen
Eivind Helgesen (born 10 October 2001) is a Norwegian footballer who plays as a midfielder for 1.
- Eivind Eriksen
Eivind Eriksen (born 28 February 1973 in Mehamn) is a Norwegian former footballer who played as a forward for the clubs Hamarkameratene, Nordkinn, Hammerfest, Bodø/Glimt, Hønefoss and Åmot.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Eivind Numerology: Name Eivind has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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