What does the name Egypt mean? What is the meaning of the name Egypt
Meaning of Egypt: Name Egypt in the Arabic origin, means A vast expand of land or fortress. Name Egypt is of Arabic origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Egypt (Namesakes)
- Egyptian Lover
Gregory Broussard (born August 31, 1963 in Los Angeles, California), better known by his stage name Egyptian Lover, is an American musician, vocalist, producer and DJ, and was a part of the L.A. dance music and rap scene in the early 1980s.
- Fuad II of Egypt
Fuad II (Arabic: فؤاد الثاني, Turkish: II. Fuat or Ahmet Fuat; born 16 January 1952 as Prince Ahmad Fuad) is a member of the Egyptian Muhammad Ali dynasty.
- Egypt national football team
The Egypt national football team (Arabic: منتخب مصر لكرة القدم), known colloquially as The Pharaohs, represents Egypt in men's international football, and is governed by the Egyptian Football Association (EFA), the governing body of football in Egypt.
- Hakim (Egyptian singer)
Abdel Hakim Abdel Samad Kamel (Arabic: عبد الحكيم عبد الصمد كامل; born October 7, 1962), known by the mononym Hakim (Arabic: حكيم), is an Egyptian folk-singer.
- Princess Fawzia-Latifa of Egypt
Princess Fawzia-Latifa of Egypt was born in Monte Carlo, Monaco, on 12 February 1982, and is the daughter of Fuad II (last King of Egypt) by his wife, Fadila (born Dominique-France Loeb-Picard).
- Prince Fakhruddin of Egypt
Prince Fakhr ud-din of Egypt was born in Rabat on 25 August 1987, and is the youngest son of the last King of Egypt and Sudan, Fuad II, by his wife, Fadila (née Dominique-France Loeb-Picard).
- Egypt Sherrod
Egypt Sherrod is an American radio and television personality, as well as real estate broker.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Egypt Numerology: Name Egypt has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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