What does the name Egon mean? What is the meaning of the name Egon?
Meaning of Egon: Name Egon in the German origin, means One who gets strong with a sword. Name Egon is of German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Egon are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Egon (Namesakes)
- Egon Henninger
Egon Henninger (born 22 June 1940) is a German former swimmer.
- Egon Schnabel
Egon Schnabel (born 19 May 1937) is a German biathlete.
- Egon Fleischmann
Egon Fleischmann (born 26 August 1934) is a German cross-country skier.
- Egon Krenz
Egon Rudi Ernst Krenz (German pronunciation: [ˈeːgɔn ˈkʁɛnts]; born 19 March 1937) is a former East German politician who was the last communist leader of East Germany during the final months of 1989.
- Egon Loy
- Rupali
- Egon Köhnen
Egon Köhnen (born 24 November 1947) is a retired German footballer.
He played for Fortuna Düsseldorf between 1966 and 1981, playing 272 Bundesliga games and scoring 12 goals.
- Egon Franke (fencer)
Egon Johann Franke (born 23 October 1935 in GliwicePolish Olympic Committee) is a Polish fencer and Olympic champion in foil competition.
- Egon Flad
Egon Flad (born 5 March 1964) is a retired German footballer.
- Egon Kaur
Egon Kaur (born 20 August 1987) is an Estonian rally driver.
- Egon Vůch
Egon Vůch (born 1 February 1991) is a Czech football player who currently plays for TJ Jiskra Domažlice.
- Egon Scheiwiller
Egon Scheiwiller (born 11 February 1937) is a former Swiss cyclist.
- Egon Stephansen
Egon Stephansen (born 22 October 1934) is a Danish former sports shooter.
- Egon Hansen
Egon Hansen (born 13 April 1931) is a Danish former sports shooter.
- Egon Paljar
Egon Paljar (born 15 April 1974) is a former Croatian national team handball player.
- Egon Brestian
Egon Brestian (born 28 July 1964), is an Austrian chess International Master (IM) (1988), Austrian Chess Championship winner (1987), Chess Olympiad individual gold medalist (1990), FIDE Trainer (2007).
- Rutvij
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Egon Numerology: Name Egon has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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