What does the name Egerton mean? What is the meaning of the name Egerton?
Meaning of Egerton: Name Egerton in the Old English origin, means Prosperous warrior; name of a place. Name Egerton is of Old English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Egerton are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Egerton: Prosperous warrior; name of a place
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Famous people with name Egerton (Namesakes)
- Francis Egerton, 7th Duke of Sutherland
Francis Ronald Egerton, 7th Duke of Sutherland (born 18 February 1940), known as Francis Egerton until 2000, is a British peer from the Egerton family.
- Stephen Egerton (guitarist)
Stephen Patrick O'Reilly (born September 2, 1964), known professionally as Stephen Egerton, is an American guitarist, producer, mixer, and engineer, who is best known for his work playing in Descendents and All.
- Tamsin Egerton
Tamsin Egerton (born 26 November 1988) is an English actress and model known for her roles as Chelsea Parker in the film of 2007, St Trinian's, Holly Goodfellow in the film of 2005, Keeping Mum, and Guinevere in the television series of 2011, Camelot.
- Bob Egerton
Robert Henry "Bob" Egerton (born 6 March 1963) is a former Australian international rugby union player who won nine caps for the Wallabies in the space of 13 weeks in 1991.
- Frank Egerton
Francis David Egerton (born 21 September 1959) is a British novelist from the Egerton family.
- Taron Egerton
Taron David Egerton (; born 10 November 1989) is a Welsh actor and singer.
- Simon Egerton
Simon Roger Egerton (born 9 January 1985) is an English Field Hockey player.
- Egerton Forster
Egerton Forster (born 31 October 1959) is a Sierra Leonean boxer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Egerton Numerology: Name Egerton has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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