What does the name Edy mean? What is the meaning of the name Edy?
Meaning of Edy: Name Edy in the English origin, means Who can strife for wealth. Name Edy is of English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Edy are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Edy (Namesakes)
- Edy Williams
Edwina Beth "Edy" Williams (born September 7, 1942) is an American television and film actress who is best known for her acting work in the films of Russ Meyer, to whom she was married from 1970 to 1975.
- Edy Brambila
Edy Germán Brambila Rosales (born January 15, 1986 in Tepic), known as Edy Brambila, is a Mexican football midfielder currently playing for Bravos de Juarez in Mexico.
- Edy Cabrera
Edy Cabrera (born August 14, 1977) is a Guatemalan football defender who currently plays for Deportivo Malacateco in Guatemala's top division.
- Edy Schütz
Edy Schütz (born 15 May 1941) was a Luxembourgish professional road bicycle racer.
- Edy Dublin
Eduard "Edy" Dublin (born 9 February 1943) is a Luxembourgian former footballer who played at both professional and international levels as a midfielder.
- Edy Ganem
- Edy Tavares
Walter Samuel "Edy" Tavares da Veiga (born 22 March 1992) is a Cape Verdean professional basketball player for Real Madrid of the Liga ACB and the EuroLeague.
- Edy Vessel
Edoarda Vesselovsky (born 8 March 1940), better known by her stage name Edy Vessel, Edi Vessel, or Edy Vesel, is an Italian actress and businesswoman.
- Yantoni Edy Saputra
Yantoni Edy Saputra (born 30 April 1997) is an Indonesian male badminton player.
- Edy-Nicolas Boyom
Edy-Nicolas Boyom (born 12 December 1988) is a Cameroonian footballer who plays as a defender.
Boyom began playing football with Sable FC, captaining the side during the 2009 Elite One season.
- Edy Jakariya
Edy Jakariya (born 18 November 1983) is an Indonesian hurdler.
- Edy Rahmayadi
Edy Rahmayadi (born 10 March 1961) is an Indonesian politician and former general who is the governor of North Sumatra.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Edy Numerology: Name Edy has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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