What does the name Edvin mean? What is the meaning of the name Edvin
Meaning of Edvin: Name Edvin in the Albanian, Eastern European origin, means One who is friend for riches. Name Edvin is of Albanian, Eastern European origin and is a Boy name. People with name Edvin are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Edvin (Namesakes)
- Edvin Murati
Edvin Murati (born 12 November 1975) is an Albanian former professional footballer.
- Edvin Sugarev
Edvin Sugarev (Bulgarian: Едвин Сугарев), (born 27 December 1953) in Sofia, is a Bulgarian poet and politician.
- Edvin Jurisevic
Edvin Jurisevic (born June 7, 1975) is an American soccer referee from Omaha, Nebraska.
- Edvin Wilson
Edvin Wilson (born 25 April 1989) is a Swedish cyclist riding for Team Joker.
- Edvin Kanka Cudic
Edvin Kanka Ćudić (Cyrillic: Едвин Канка Ћудић; born Edvin Ćudić; December 31, 1988), is the Bosnian human rights activist, martial artist, journalist and political analyst who is best known as the leader of the UDIK, an organisation campaigning for human rights and reconciliation in the former Yugoslavia.
He works in subjects including human rights, cultural memory, transitional justice and democracy.
- Edvin Endre
Edvin Leonard Hugo Endre (born (1994-07-01)1 July 1994) is a Swedish actor, best known for his role as 'Mister' in the 2013 Swedish comedy film Studentfesten.
- Edvin Crona
Edvin Crona (born 25 January 2000) is a Swedish footballer who plays as a forward for Kalmar FF in Allsvenskan.
- Edvin Ivanov
Edvin Ivanov (born July 25, 1970) is a Russian sprinter.
- Edvin Frylén
Edvin Frylén (born 23 December 1975) is a retired Swedish ice hockey player.
- Edvin-Eduardo Vásquez
Edvin-Eduardo Vásquez (born 16 October 1969) is a Guatemalan wrestler.
- Edvin Dahlqvist
Edvin Dahlqvist (born 14 June 1999) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Qviding FIF as a defender.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Edvin Numerology: Name Edvin has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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