What does the name Eduard mean? What is the meaning of the name Eduard
Meaning of Eduard: Name Eduard in the French origin, means Guardian of richess; one who spends. Name Eduard is of French origin and is a Boy name. People with name Eduard are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Eduard (Namesakes)
- Eduard Artemyev
Eduard Nikolaevich Artemyev (Russian: Эдуа́рд Никола́евич Арте́мьев, IPA: [ɛdʊˈard ɐrˈtʲemʲjɪf]; born 30 November 1937) is a Russian composer of electronic music and film scores.
- Eduard, Prince of Anhalt
Julius Eduard Ernst August Erdmann, Prince von Anhalt (German: Julius Eduard Ernst August von Anhalt; born 3 December 1941), usually referred to as Prince Eduard, is the head of the House of Ascania, the family which ruled the Duchy of Anhalt until 1918.
- Eduard Fernández
Eduardo Fernández Serrano (born 25 August 1964), known professionally as Eduard Fernández, is a Spanish screen and stage actor.
- Eduard Văluță
Eduard Văluță (born 9 April 1979) is a Moldovan former professional football defender, who played for Persepam MU in the Indonesia Super League.
- Eduard Arbós
Eduard Arbós Borras (born 7 May 1983) is a Spanish field hockey player.
- Eduard Tismănaru
- Eduard Dyomin
Eduard Viktorovich Dyomin (Russian: Эдуард Викторович Дёмин; born 26 March 1974) is a Russian football manager and a former player.
- Eduard Gikayev
Eduard Sergeyevich Gikayev (Russian: Эдуард Серге́евич Гикаев; born 14 August 1979) is a former Russian professional footballer.
- Eduard Tsykhmeystruk
Eduard Mykolayovych Tsykhmeystruk (Ukrainian: Едуард Миколайович Цихмейструк; Russian: Эдуард Николаевич Цихмейструк; born 24 June 1973) is a former Ukrainian professional footballer.
- Eduard Partsikyan
Eduard Khachikovich Partsikyan (Armenian: Էդուարդ Խաչիկի Պարցիկյան, Russian: Эдуард Хачикович Парцикян; born 5 July 1976) is a former Armenian professional footballer.
- Eduard Zhevnerov
Eduard Zhevnerov (Belarusian: Эдуард Жаўнераў; Russian: Эдуард Жевнеров; born 1 November 1987) is a Belarusian professional footballer, who is currently playing for Smolevichi.
- Eduard Son
Eduard Vasilyevich Son (Russian: Эдуард Васильевич Сон; born 18 September 1964) is a retired Soviet and Kazakhstani professional football player of Korean ethnic origin.
- Eduard Folayang
Eduard Folayang (born November 22, 1984) is a Filipino mixed martial artist and wushu practitioner who fights in ONE Championship, where he is a two-time ONE Lightweight Champion.
- Eduard Chudnowski
Eduard Chudnowski (Belarusian: Эдуард Чудноўскi; Russian: Эдуард Чудновский; born 3 January 1991) is a Belarusian professional football player currently playing for Molodechno.
- Eduard Sobol
Eduard Oleksandrovych Sobol (Ukrainian: Едуард Олександрович Соболь; born 20 April 1995) is a Ukrainian professional footballer who plays as a defender for Club Brugge on loan from Shakhtar Donetsk.
- Eduard von Habsburg
Eduard von Habsburg (born January 12, 1967), also known as Archduke Eduard of Austria is Hungary’s ambassador to the Holy See and Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
He is son of Archduke Michael of Austria (Archduke Joseph Francis's youngest child) and the great-great-grandson of Emperor Franz Joseph I. He is married to Baroness Maria Theresia von Gudenus, descendant of Archduke Johann of Austria and has six children.
- Kreszentia
- Kreine
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Eduard Numerology: Name Eduard has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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