What does the name Edo mean? What is the meaning of the name Edo?
Meaning of Edo: Name Edo in the English origin, means Guardian of wealth and health. Name Edo is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Edo are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Edo (Namesakes)
- Ini Edo
Ini Edo (born 23 April 1982) is a Nigerian actress.
- Ángel Edo
- Edo de Waart
Edo de Waart (born 1 June 1941, Amsterdam) is a Dutch conductor.
- Edo Maajka
Edin Osmić (born 22 December 1978), better known by his stage name Edo Maajka, is a Bosnian rapper, record producer and songwriter.
- Edo Ophof
Edo Ophof (born 21 May 1959, Rhenen, Utrecht Province) is a retired football defender from the Netherlands.
- Edo Murić
Edo Murić (born November 27, 1991) is a Slovenian professional basketball player for Cedevita Olimpija of the Slovenian League, ABA League and the EuroCup.
- Edo Hafner
Eduard Hafner (born January 19, 1955 in Jesenice, Yugoslavia) is a retired Slovenian professional ice hockey player.
- Edo Terglav
Edo Terglav (born January 24, 1980) is a Slovenian former professional ice hockey right winger.
- Edo Benetti
Edo Benetti (born 2 December 1941) is a former Australian rules football player who played for Richmond Football Club in the Victorian Football League (VFL).
Benetti was recruited from Wonthaggi in the South Gippsland Football League.
- Edo Knol
Edo Knol (born 13 July 1995 in Velserbroek) is a Dutch professional footballer who currently plays as a midfielder for Rijnsburgse Boys in the Dutch Tweede Divisie.
- Edo Flego
Edo Flego is a retired Croatian football player.
- Edo Harumi
Edo Harumi (エド・はるみ, born 14 May 1964, in Tokyo) is a Japanese comedian, actress and graduate student.
- Edo Kayembe
Edo Kayembe (born 3 August 1998) is a Congolese professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for the club R.S.C. Anderlecht in the Belgian First Division A.
- Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi
Count Edoardo Alessandro Mapelli Mozzi (born 19 November 1983) is a British property developer.
- Edo Febriansyah
Mohammad Edo Febriansyah (born on July 25, 1997) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays for Persita Tangerang in the Liga 1.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Edo Numerology: Name Edo has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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