What does the name Edge mean? What is the meaning of the name Edge
Meaning of Edge: Name Edge in the American origin, means An end of surface; a tendsetter. Name Edge is of American origin and is a Boy name. People with name Edge are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Edge (Namesakes)
- The Edge
David Howell Evans (born 8 August 1961), better known by his stage name the Edge (or just Edge), is an Irish musician and songwriter best known as the lead guitarist, keyboardist, and backing vocalist of the rock band U2.
- Edge (wrestler)
Adam Joseph Copeland (born October 30, 1973) is a Canadian professional wrestler and actor.
- Graeme Edge
Graeme Charles Edge (born 30 March 1941, in Rocester, Staffordshire) is an English musician, songwriter and poet best known as the drummer, one of the songwriters in the English band the Moody Blues.
- Butch Edge
Claude Lee Edge (born July 18, 1956 in Houston, Texas) is a former pitcher in Major League Baseball.
- Steve Edge
Steve Edge (born 2 November 1972) is an English actor, writer and former comedian.
- Andrew Edge
Andrew Edge (born David Andrew Edge) is a musician from Leeds, England.
- Roland Edge
Roland Edge (born 25 November 1978) is an English footballer who is the assistant manager at non-league Folkestone Invicta.
- Shayne Edge
Randall Shayne Edge (born August 21, 1971) is an American former college and professional football player who was a punter in the National Football League (NFL) during the 1990s.
- Şafak Edge
Şafak Edge (born June 17, 1992) is a Turkish professional basketball player for Türk Telekom of the Basketbol Süper Ligi(BSL).
- Sandra Edge
Sandra Helen Edge (born 26 August 1962 in Te Puia Springs) is a New Zealand netball coach and former international netball player.
- Stuart Edge
Stuart Edgington, known as Stuart Edge, is an American actor and entertainer best known for his viral internet videos that have garnered over 500 million views and gained him a social audience of over 3 million followers.
- Jesse Edge
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Edge Numerology: Name Edge has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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