What does the name Edgars mean? What is the meaning of the name Edgars
Meaning of Edgars: Name Edgars in the English, Latvian origin, means Latvia version of Edgar, meaning fortunate and powerful.. Name Edgars is of English, Latvian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Edgars are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Edgars: Latvia version of Edgar, meaning fortunate and powerful.
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Famous people with name Edgars (Namesakes)
- Edgars Masaļskis
Edgars Masaļskis (born March 31, 1980) is a Latvian ice hockey coach and former player.
- Edgars Gauračs
Edgars Gauračs (born 10 March 1988) is a Latvian footballer who is currently playing for the Latvian Higher League club FK Spartaks Jūrmala and Latvia national football team as a striker.
- Edgars Burlakovs
Edgars Burlakovs (born 6 January 1974) is a former football midfielder from Latvia.
- Edgars Zalāns
Edgars Zalāns (born 3 September 1967, Kuldīga) is a Latvian politician and architect.
- Edgars Lūsiņš
Edgars Lūsiņš (born December 25, 1984 in Riga, Soviet Union) is a Latvian ice hockey goaltender, currently playing for Prizma Riga in the Latvian Amateur Championship.
- Edgars Lipsbergs
Edgars Lipsbergs (born June 9, 1989 in Riga, Soviet Union) is a Latvian ice hockey forward, currently playing for HK Riga of Minor Hockey League.
- Edgars Piksons
Edgars Piksons (born 17 July 1983) is a former Latvian biathlete.
- Edgars Jeromanovs
Edgars Jeromanovs (born April 18, 1986) is a professional Latvian basketball player who plays the point guard position.
- Edgars Siksna
Edgars Siksna (born January 15, 1993) is a Latvian professional ice hockey defenceman.
- Edgars Eriņš
Edgars Eriņš (born 18 June 1986) is a Latvian decathlete and bobsledder.
- Edgars Rinkēvičs
Edgars Rinkēvičs (born 21 September 1973) is a Latvian politician and official, current Minister for Foreign Affairs of Latvia.
- Edgars Kļaviņš
Edgars Kļaviņš (born March 3, 1993) is a Latvian professional ice hockey right winger, currently playing for Venta 2002 in the Latvian 1.
- Edgars Briedis
Edgars "Deer" Briedis (born 13 June 1983 in Valmiera) is a Latvian rock bass guitarist.
- Edgars Kulda
Edgars Kulda (born 13 November 1994) is a Latvian professional ice hockey winger currently playing for PSG Berani Zlín in the Czech Extraliga (ELH).
- Edgars Vardanjans
Edgars Vardanjans (Armenian: Էդգար Վարդանյան; born 9 May 1993) is a Latvian football player of Armenian descent.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Edgars Numerology: Name Edgars has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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