What does the name Eckert mean? What is the meaning of the name Eckert?
Meaning of Eckert: Name Eckert in the German origin, means Strong and pointed as brave. Name Eckert is of German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Eckert are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Eckert (Namesakes)
- Chris Eckert
- Paul Eckert
Paul Eckert (born 9 September 1990) is a German freestyle skier.
- Kerstin Eckert
Kerstin Eckert (born August 25, 1966) is a scientist.
- Fred J. Eckert
Fred J. Eckert (born May 6, 1941) is an American political and diplomatic figure and writer.
- Andrea Eckert
Andrea Eckert (born 17 September 1958) is an Austrian stage and film actress, singer and documentary filmmaker.
- Christian Eckert
Christian Eckert (born 8 February 1956 in Algrange, Moselle) is a former member of the National Assembly of France.
- Lars Eckert
Lars Eckert (born 24 November 1983) is a German international rugby union player, playing for the SC Neuenheim in the Rugby-Bundesliga and the German national rugby union team.
- Jake Eckert
Jake Eckert (born April 27, 1976 in Chicago, Illinois, United States) He is best known as the guitarist for the Dirty Dozen Brass Band and New Orleans Suspects out of New Orleans, LA. Jake performed around the world with Dirty Dozen from 2006-2013.
- Egni Eckert
Egni Analia Almirón Eckert, simply known as Egni Eckert or Egny Eckert, is a beauty queen contestant from Paraguay who represented her country in the Miss World 2010 pageant held in Sanya, China, placing among the Top 25 finalists.
- Dennis Eckert
Dennis-Yerai Eckert Ayensa (born 9 January 1997) is a German footballer who plays for Ingolstadt 04, as a forward.
- Edgar Eckert
Edgar Eckert (born 13 January 1948) is a German cross-country skier.
- Jil-Sophie Eckert
Jil-Sophie Eckert (born 3 May 1996) is a German female canoeist who won two medals at senior level at the Wildwater Canoeing World Championships.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Eckert Numerology: Name Eckert has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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