What does the name Eaton mean? What is the meaning of the name Eaton
Meaning of Eaton: Name Eaton in the English origin, means It means a riverside village.. Name Eaton is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Eaton are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Eaton (Namesakes)
- Stephen Eaton
Stephen Robert Eaton, OAM (born 15 September 1975) is an Australian athlete with cerebral palsy from Toowoomba, Queensland who competes at the national and international level in discus throwing and shot put at events such as the Paralympic Games and IPC Athletics World Championships.
Eaton first began to participate in track and field events at the age of eight, under the guidance of coach Anne Marsh.
- Mark Eaton
Mark E. Eaton (born January 24, 1957) is an American former professional basketball player who was a member of the National Basketball Association's Utah Jazz from 1982 to 1993, with one NBA All-Star selection in 1989, and two NBA Defensive Player of the Year awards in 1985 and 1989.
- George Eaton
George Ross Eaton (born 12 November 1945) is a Canadian former racing driver who is a member of the prominent Eaton family.
- Shirley Eaton
Shirley Eaton (born 12 January 1937) is an English actress, model and author.
- Bobby Eaton
Robert Lee Eaton (born August 14, 1958) is an American retired professional wrestler, who made his debut in 1976.
- Meredith Eaton
Meredith Hope Eaton (sometimes credited as Meredith Eaton-Gilden; born August 26, 1974) is an American actress.
- Tom Eaton
Tom Eaton (born April 8, 1982) is a prop comic.
- Andrew Eaton
Andrew Campbell Eaton (born 7 December 1959) is a film producer and the recipient of several awards including the British Independent Film Award Producer of the Year 2000.
- Brando Eaton
Brando Matthew Eaton (born July 17, 1986) is an American film and television actor.
- Ashton Eaton
Ashton James Eaton (born January 21, 1988) is a retired American decathlete and two-time Olympic champion, who holds the world record in the indoor heptathlon event.
- Abbie Eaton
Abigail Eaton (born 2 January 1992) is a racing driver from the East Riding of Yorkshire, England.
- Rebecca Eaton
Rebecca Eaton (born November 7, 1947) is an American television producer and film producer best known for introducing American audiences to British costume and countryside dramas as executive producer of the PBS Masterpiece series.
- Adam Eaton (outfielder)
Adam Cory Eaton (born December 6, 1988) is an American professional baseball outfielder for the Washington Nationals of Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Steve Eaton
Steve Eaton (born 25 December 1959) is an English footballer, who played as a full back in the Football League for Tranmere Rovers during the 1978–79 season.
- Jagger Eaton
Jagger Eaton (born February 21, 2001) is a sponsored amateur skateboarder who, as of September 2013, is a Mega Ramp competitor and the youngest ever X Games competitor.
- Elizabeth Eaton
Elizabeth Amy Eaton (born April 2, 1955) is the fourth Presiding Bishop (and the first woman to become Presiding Bishop) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
- Courtney Eaton
Courtney Eaton (born 6 January 1996) is an Australian model and actress.
- Peter Eaton
Peter David Eaton is the fourth and current Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida.
- Jake Eaton
Jake Eaton (born 11 February 1981) is a high school athletic director in Proctor, Vermont.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Eaton Numerology: Name Eaton has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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