What does the name Durand mean? What is the meaning of the name Durand
Meaning of Durand: Name Durand in the Indian origin, means A strong, heroic son. Name Durand is of Indian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Durand are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Durand (Namesakes)
- Dimitri Durand
Dimitri Durand (born April 2, 1982 in Champigny-sur-Marne) is a French football striker.
- Jacky Durand
Jacky Durand (born 10 February 1967 in Laval, Mayenne) is a retired French professional road bicycle racer.
- Kevin Durand
Kevin Serge Durand (born January 14, 1974) is a Canadian actor.
- Vincent Durand
Vincent Durand (born 17 May 1984) is a French football midfielder who currently plays for Sedan.
- Martín Durand
Martín Durand (born 30 May 1976) is an Argentine former rugby union footballer.
- Jean-Philippe Durand
Jean-Philippe Durand (born 11 November 1960, in Lyon, France) is a French former footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Nicolas Durand
Nicolas Durand (born 4 October 1982 in Toulouse, France) is a French rugby union footballer who plays scrum-half for USAP in France's Top 14 competition.
- Éric Durand
Éric Durand (born 13 August 1965 in Génelard) is a French former professional football goalkeeper.
- Christophe Durand
Christophe Durand (born 5 April 1973 in Décines-Charpieu) is a French table tennis player.
- Guillaume Durand (journalist)
Guillaume Durand is a French journalist, born 23 September 1952, in Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine).
Son of Lucien and Nicole Durand (famous French artists) and former professor of history and geography, he presented the News the weekend and evening the week of La Cinq (1987–1990 and 1990–1991).
- Ryan Durand
Ryan James Durand (born November 17, 1985) is a former American football guard.
- Richard Durand
Richard Durand (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈricɑr dyˈrɑnt]; born 5 April 1976) is a Dutch Disc jockey and record producer.
- Durand Scott
Durand Christopher Scott (born February 22, 1990) is a Jamaican-American professional basketball player for SZTE-Szedeák of the NB I/A. Born in New York City, Scott played for Rice High School, before enrolling in the University of Miami in 2009.
- Johann Durand
Johann Durand (born 17 June 1981, in Évian-les-Bains) is a French football player who plays as a goalkeeper for French club Evian in Ligue 2.
- Pascal Durand
Pascal Durand (born 3 October 1960) is a French lawyer and politician of La République En Marche!
- Solène Durand
Solène Marie Reine Durand (born 20 November 1994) is a French professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Division 1 Féminine club Guingamp and the France national team.
- Catherine Durand
Catherine Durand (born 9 April 1955) is a French equestrian, born in Casablanca.
- Gregory Durand
Gregory Durand (born 8 December 1977) is a French short track speed skater.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Durand Numerology: Name Durand has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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