What does the name Dulce mean? What is the meaning of the name Dulce
Meaning of Dulce: Name Dulce in the Spanish, Latin origin, means It means someone who is sweet by nature.. Name Dulce is of Spanish, Latin origin and is a Girl name. People with name Dulce are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Dulce: It means someone who is sweet by nature.
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Famous people with name Dulce (Namesakes)
- Dulce Pontes
Dulce José Silva Pontes (Portuguese: [ˈduɫs(ɨ) ʒuˈzɛ ˈsiɫvɐ ˈpõtɨʃ], born April 8, 1969) is a Portuguese songwriter and singer who performs in many musical styles, including pop, folk, and classical music.
- Dulce María
Dulce María Espinosa Saviñón (Spanish: [ˈdulse maˈɾi.a saβiˈɲon]; born December 6, 1985) is a Mexican singer, songwriter, actress and author.
- Mich Dulce
Mich Dulce (born Michelle Dianne Lopez Dulce on May 8, 1981) is a Filipina fashion designer, milliner, corsetiere, feminist activist, actress, artist and vocalist of bands Death By Tampon, Us-2 Evil-0 and The Male Gaze.
She graduated from the Poveda Learning Center in Quezon City (now St. - Dulce Piña
Dulce María Piña de Óleo (born September 12, 1966 in San Juan de la Maguana) is a retired female judoka from the Dominican Republic, who won the bronze medal in the women's middleweight division (– 70 kg) at the 1995 Pan American Games and 2003 Pan American Games.
- Ana Dulce Félix
Ana Dulce Ferreira Félix ComM (born 23 October 1982) is a Portuguese long distance runner who competes in track, cross country, and road running events.
- Dulce Quental
Dulce Quental (born 13 April 1960) is a Brazilian singer and composer.
- Dulce Braga
Dulce Braga (born 16 April 1958) is an Angolan writer, author of the biographical novel Sabor de Maboque, published in 2009.
- Dulce (Filipino singer)
Dulce (Born Maria Teresa Magdalena Abellare Llamedo on July 22, 1961.
- Dulce Quintana
Dulce María Quintana Giménez (born 6 February 1989) is a Paraguayan footballer who plays as a defender for Spanish club RCD Espanyol and the Paraguay women's national team.
- Dulce Gardenia
Javier Márquez Gómez (born January 30, 1992) Is a Mexican professional wrestler, performing under the ring name Dulce Gardenia, currently working for Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre (CMLL) as a tecnico/face (the protagonists in pro wrestling).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Dulce Numerology: Name Dulce has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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