What does the name Duarte mean? What is the meaning of the name Duarte
Meaning of Duarte: Name Duarte in the Portuguese origin, means Protector of the Land; one who watches land. Name Duarte is of Portuguese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Duarte are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Duarte (Namesakes)
- Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza
Dom Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza (Duarte Pio João Miguel Gabriel Rafael; born 15 May 1945) is a claimant to the defunct Portuguese throne, as the head of the House of Braganza.
- Regina Duarte
Regina Blois Duarte (born February 5, 1947) is a Brazilian actress, who since March 2020, is serving as the Special Secretary of Culture in president Jair Bolsonaro's federal administration.
- Jack Duarte
Robert Jack Duarte Wallace (born April 7, 1986 in Mexico City, Distrito Federal) is a Mexican actor and singer.
- Chris Duarte
Chris Duarte (born February 16, 1963) is an American guitarist, singer, and songwriter.
- Débora Duarte
Débora Susan Duke (born January 2, 1950) best known as Débora Duarte, is a Brazilian actress.
- Joe Duarte
Joe Duarte (born August 4, 1983) is a retired professional mixed martial artist, investor from Guam, and is of native Chamorro descent.
- Jessie Duarte
Jessie Yasmin Duarte (born 19 September 1953) is a South African politician and deputy secretary-general of the African National Congress.
- Oliveira Duarte
Joaquim António Oliveira Duarte (born 19 March 1943) is a former Portuguese footballer who played as defender.
- Gabriela Duarte
Gabriela Duarte Franco (born April 15, 1974) is a Brazilian actress.
- Vera Duarte
Vera Valentina Benrós de Melo Duarte Lobo de Pina (born October 2, 1952), also known as Vera Valentina Benrós de Melo Duarte Lobo de Pina and Vera Duarte Martins, is a Cape Verdean human rights activist, government minister and politician.
- Filipe Duarte
Filipe Manuel Cordeiro Duarte (born 30 March 1985, in Lisbon) is a Portuguese born Macanease professional footballer who plays for S.L. Benfica de Macau and the Macau national football team as a central defender.
- Duarte Duarte
Duarte Jorge Gomes Duarte (born 27 August 1987), simply known as Duarte Duarte is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays for Paços Ferreira as a forward.
- Domingos Duarte
Domingos de Sousa Coutinho Menezes Duarte (born 10 March 1995) is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays as a central defender for Spanish club Granada CF.
- Dénis Duarte
Dénis Paulo Duarte (born 4 May 1994) is a Portuguese footballer who plays for Dinamo Brest, as a defender.
- Hugo Duarte
Hugo Duarte (born August 9, 1968) is a former mixed martial artist, practitioner of Luta Livre, and Vale Tudo specialist.
- Thomas Duarte
Thomas James Duarte (born March 30, 1995) is an American football tight end who is currently a free agent.
- Carolina Duarte
Carolina Duarte (born 8 January 1990) is a track and field athlete from Portugal competing mainly sprint events.
- Léo Duarte
Leonardo Campos Duarte da Silva (born 17 July 1996), commonly known as Léo Duarte, is a Brazilian footballer who plays for Serie A club Milan as a centre-back.
- Norma Duarte Palafox
Norma Luz Irene Duarte Palafox (born 14 October 1998), known as Norma Duarte or Norma Duarte Palafox, is a Mexican footballer who plays as a forward for Guadalajara in the Liga MX Femenil.
- Mauricio Duarte
Edison Mauricio Duarte Barajas (born 24 June 1992) is an Colombian professional footballer who plays as a leftback for Defensa y Justicia.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Duarte Numerology: Name Duarte has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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