What does the name Dragana mean? What is the meaning of the name Dragana?
Meaning of Dragana: Name Dragana in the Serbian origin, means A precious person who is mature and filled with empathy. Name Dragana is of Serbian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Dragana are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Dragana (Namesakes)
- Dragana Mirković
Dragana Mirković (Serbian Cyrillic: Драгана Мирковић, pronounced [drǎɡana mǐːrkɔ̝v̞it͡ɕ]; born 18 January 1968) is a Serbian pop-folk singer and entrepreneur.
- Dragana Zarić
Dragana Zarić (Serbian Cyrillic: Драгана Зарић, born 1 August 1977 in Vršac) is a Serbian former professional tennis player.
- Dragana Tomašević
Dragana Tomašević (Serbian Cyrillic: Драгана Томашевић; born 4 June 1982 in Sremska Mitrovica) is a Serbian discus thrower.
- Dragana Pecevska
Dragana (Pecevska) Ristova (Macedonian: Драгана (Пецевска) Ристова) (born 11 April 1983 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia) is a retired Macedonian handball player who plays for ŽRK Metalurg and for the Macedonia women's national handball team.
She plays on the position left wing.
- Dragana Cvijić
Dragana Cvijić (born 15 March 1990) is a Serbian handball player for CSM București.
- Dragana Kovačević
Dragana Kovačević (born 26 December 1981) is a Serbian racing cyclist.
- Dragana Petkovska
Dragana Petkovska (Macedonian: Драгана Петковска) (born 12 June 1996) is a Macedonian handball player who plays for SønderjyskE Håndbold and the Macedonia national handball team.
- Dragana Stanković
Dragana Stanković (Serbian Cyrillic: Драгана Станковић, born January 18, 1995) is a Serbian professional women's basketball player who plays for Galatasaray S.K. (women's basketball) and the Serbian national basketball team.
- Dragana Đorđević
Dragana Đorđevic (born in 1960) is a Serbian painter who was trained in this traditional craft under the guidance of orthodox nun Porfirija.
- Dragana Mićalović
Dragana Mićalović (Serbian Cyrillic: Драгана Мићаловић; born 20 August 1986) is a Serbian actress.
- Dragana Pešić
Dragana Pešić (born 10 December 1963) is a Yugoslav handball player.
- Suvrat
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Dragana Numerology: Name Dragana has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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