What does the name Douglas mean? What is the meaning of the name Douglas
Meaning of Douglas: Name Douglas in the Scottish origin, means The origin of dark water. Name Douglas is of Scottish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Douglas are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Douglas (Namesakes)
- Douglas Hofstadter
Douglas Richard Hofstadter (born February 15, 1945) is an American scholar of cognitive science, physics, and comparative literature whose research includes concepts such as the sense of self in relation to the external world, consciousness, analogy-making, artistic creation, literary translation, and discovery in mathematics and physics.
- Michael Douglas
Michael Kirk Douglas (born September 25, 1944) is an American actor and producer.
- Buster Douglas
James "Buster" Douglas (born April 7, 1960) is an American former professional boxer who competed between 1981 and 1999.
- Illeana Douglas
Illeana Hesselberg (born July 25, 1965), most commonly known as Illeana Douglas, is an American actress, director, screenwriter, and producer.
- Jeff Douglas
Jeffrey Lloyd Douglas (born June 8, 1971) is a Canadian actor and broadcaster, best known as the cohost of CBC Radio One's daily news program As It Happens from 2011 to 2019.
- Shane Douglas
Troy Allan Martin (born November 21, 1964) is an American professional wrestler and promoter, better known by his ring name Shane Douglas.
- Carl Douglas
Carlton George Douglas (born 10 May 1942), is a Jamaican recording artist who is best known for the 1974 Disco single "Kung Fu Fighting".
- Craig Douglas
Craig Douglas (born Terence Perkins, 12 August 1941) is an English pop singer, who was popular in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
- John E. Douglas
John Edward Douglas (born June 18, 1945) is a retired special agent and unit chief in the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
- Jerry Douglas
- Douglas Brinkley
Douglas Brinkley (born December 14, 1960) is an American author, Katherine Tsanoff Brown Chair in Humanities and professor of history at Rice University.
- Cameron Douglas
Cameron Morrell Douglas (born December 13, 1978) is an American actor.
- Joel Douglas
Joel Andrew Douglas (born January 23, 1947) is an American film producer.
- Peter Douglas
- Douglas Costa
Douglas Costa de Souza (Brazilian Portuguese: [ˈdowɡlɐs ˈkɔstɐ]; born 14 September 1990) is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a winger for Serie A club Juventus and the Brazil national team.
- Douglas Booth
Douglas John Booth (born 9 July 1992) is an English actor.
- Douglas Lima
Douglas Lima (born 5 January 1988) is a Brazilian mixed martial artist who competes in the welterweight division of Bellator MMA, where he is a three-time and current Bellator Welterweight World Champion.
- Gabby Douglas
Gabrielle Christina Victoria Douglas (born December 31, 1995) is an American artistic gymnast.
- Douglas Brunt
Douglas Brunt (born August 25, 1971) is an American novelist and former president and CEO of the cybersecurity firm Authentium.
- Maqbula
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Douglas Numerology: Name Douglas has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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