What does the name Dougie mean? What is the meaning of the name Dougie
Meaning of Dougie: Name Dougie in the Scottish origin, means A dark river or a dark stream of water. Name Dougie is of Scottish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Dougie are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Dougie (Namesakes)
- Dougie Poynter
Dougie Lee Poynter (born 30 November 1987) is an English musician, songwriter, fashion model, clothing designer, author, actor and philanthropist.
- Dougie Lampkin
Douglas Martin "Dougie" Lampkin, MBE, also known as Doug, (born 23 March 1976 in Silsden, West Yorkshire) is an English professional motorcycle trials and endurocross rider.
- Dougie Freedman
Douglas Alan Freedman (born 25 May 1974) is a Scottish professional football manager and former player.
- Dougie Payne
- Dougie Marillier
Douglas Anthony Marillier (born 24 June 1978), known as Dougie Marillier, is a former Zimbabwean cricketer, who played Tests and One Day International cricket for the national side.
- Dougie Brown
Douglas Robert Brown (born 29 October 1969) is a Scottish former cricketer and former head coach of the United Arab Emirates national team.
- Dougie MacLean
Dougie MacLean, OBE (born 27 September 1954) is a Scottish singer-songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist and record producer.
- Dougie Thomson
Douglas Campbell "Dougie" Thomson (pronounced "doogie") (born 24 March 1951) is a Scottish musician, born in Glasgow and raised in the Rutherglen area of the city.
- Dougie Donnelly
Douglas Donnelly (born 7 June 1953) is a Scottish television broadcaster best known for presenting sports coverage.
- Dougie Bell
- Dougie Cameron
Douglas "Dougie" Cameron (born 8 February 1983) is a Scottish professional footballer.
- Dougie Anderson
- Dougie Arnott
Douglas Arnott (born 5 August 1964 in Lanark) is a Scottish former footballer who played as a striker.
- Dougie Ramsay
Douglas Alexander Ramsay (born 26 April 1979) is a Scottish professional footballer, who played in the Scottish Premier League for Motherwell.
- Dougie Hamilton
Douglas Jonathan "Dougie" Hamilton, Jr. (born June 17, 1993) is a Canadian professional ice hockey defenceman for the Carolina Hurricanes of the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Dougie Wilkie
- Dougie Nyaupembe
Douglas Nqobile Nyaupembe (born 2 October 1999) is an English footballer who plays for Radcliffe, having played as a defender for Bury until the end of the 2018–19 season.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Dougie Numerology: Name Dougie has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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