What does the name Doris mean? What is the meaning of the name Doris
Meaning of Doris: Name Doris in the Greek origin, means Daughter of Oceanus; a beautiful creature. Name Doris is of Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Doris are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Doris: Daughter of Oceanus; a beautiful creature
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Famous people with name Doris (Namesakes)
- Doris (singer)
Doris Svensson (born July 1, 1947 in Gothenburg), billed as Doris, is a former Swedish pop singer.
- Doris Dragović
Dorotea "Doris" Budimir (née Dragović, pronounced [dôːris drâːɡoʋitɕ]; born 16 April 1961), is a Croatian singer-songwriter, who has represented Yugoslavia in the Eurovision Song Contest 1986 with the song "Željo moja", finishing 11th with 49 points, and Croatia in the Eurovision Song Contest 1999 with the song "Marija Magdalena", finishing fourth with 118 points.
- Doris Dörrie
Doris Dörrie (German: [ˈdœri̯ə]; born 26 May 1955) is a German film director, producer and author.
- Ennio Doris
Ennio Doris (born 3 July 1940), is an Italian billionaire businessman, the founder of Mediolanum SpA, and chairman of Banca Mediolanum, part of Gruppo Mediolanum, a large Italian banking, funds management and insurance group. - Doris Matsui
Doris Okada Matsui (; born Doris Kazue Okada; September 25, 1944) is an American politician from the Democratic Party, serving since 2005 in the House of Representatives.
- Doris Kearns Goodwin
Doris Helen Kearns Goodwin (born January 4, 1943) is an American biographer, historian, former sports journalist and political commentator.
- Doris Burke
Doris Burke (born November 4, 1965) is an American sports announcer and analyst for NBA on ESPN and NBA on ABC games.
- Doris Leuthard
Doris Leuthard (born 10 April 1963) is a Swiss politician and lawyer, and was a member of the Swiss Federal Council between 2006 and 2018.
- Doris Pearson
Doris Pearson (born Doris May Pearson, 8 June 1966 in Brent, London, England) is an English singer and ex member of the pop group, Five Star.
- Bob Doris
- Doris Younane
Doris Younane (born 25 February 1963) is an Australian stage and screen actress notable for her role in McLeod's Daughters where she played Moira Doyle.
- Doris Payne
- Doris Bigornia
Doris A. Bigornia (born February 17, 1963) is a Filipina journalist, field reporter, and news presenter.
- Doris Kunstmann
Doris Kunstmann (born 22 October 1944) is a German actress.
- Doris Meissner
Doris Marie Meissner (born November 3, 1941) is a former Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), the agency previously responsible for immigration enforcement in the United States.
- Troy Doris
Troy Doris is an American triple jumper of Guyanese descent.
- Doris Pinčić Rogoznica
Doris Pinčić Rogoznica (née Pinčić; born 4 September 1988) is a Croatian actress and TV and radio presenter.
- Doris Buffett
Doris Buffett (b.
- Caelan Doris
Caelan Doris (born 2 April 1998) is an Irish rugby union player for Pro14 and European Rugby Champions Cup side Leinster.
- Doris Piché
Doris Piché (born 14 October 1965) is a Canadian badminton player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Doris Numerology: Name Doris has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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