What does the name Dorin mean? What is the meaning of the name Dorin
Meaning of Dorin: Name Dorin in the Romanian origin, means An individual who is determined yet tender hearted. Name Dorin is of Romanian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Dorin are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Dorin (Namesakes)
- Dorin Goian
Dorin Nicolae Goian (born 12 December 1980) is a Romanian professional football manager and former football player.
- Dorin Mateuț
Dorin Mateuț (born 5 August 1965) is a retired Romanian footballer.
- Dorin Toma
Dorin Toma (born 4 March 1977 in Şomcuta Mare, Maramureș County) is a Romanian manager.
- Dorin Chirtoacă
Dorin Chirtoacă (born 9 August 1978) is a Moldovan politician who served as Mayor of Chișinău from 2007 to 2018.
- Dorin Mihuț
Dorin Adrian Mihuț (born 26 June 1982) is a Romanian former football player who played as a right back.
- Dorin Semeghin
Dorin Constantin Semeghin (born 29 March 1979) is a Romanian former footballer who played as a left back.
- Dorin Dickerson
Dorin R. Dickerson (born March 31, 1988) is an American football tight end who is currently a free agent.
- Marie Dorin Habert
Marie Dorin Habert (born 19 June 1986) is a retired French biathlete.
- Dorin Drăguțanu
Dorin Drăguţanu (born 19 March 1974) is an economist from Moldova.
- Dorin Rotariu
Dorin Rotariu (Romanian pronunciation: [doˈrin rotaˈri.u] or [roˈtariu]; born 29 July 1995) is a Romanian professional footballer who plays for Kazakh club Astana.
- Dorin Popovici
Dorin Popovici (born 1 July 1996) is a Moldovan footballer who currently plays as a midfielder for CF Ungheni.
- Dorin Damir
Dorin Damir (Russian: Дорин Михайлович Дамир; born 20 March 1972) is the vice president of the Judo Federation of Moldova (2005 - 2012), the president of the Fighting & Entertainment Association of Moldova (FEA), the president of the Moldovan Amateur K-1 Federation (WAK-1F Moldova), vice president of the World Amateur K-1 Federation, WAK-1F, and a businessman.
- Dorin Lazăr
Dorin Lazăr (born 23 January 1990) is a Romanian rugby union football player.
- Dorin Munteanu
Dorin Munteanu (born 6 March 1946) is a Romanian alpine skier.
- Dorin Degan
Dorin Degan (born 11 July 1959) is a Romanian bobsledder.
- Dorin Arcanu
Dorin Arcanu (born 29 March 1970) is a Romanian former professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper for teams such as: FC Universitatea Craiova, Oțelul Galați, FC Brașov or Politehnica Iași, among others.
- Dorin Manole
Dorin Gigi Manole (born 5 August 1986) is a Romanian rugby union player.
- Dorin Necula
- Dorin Zotincă
Dorin Bogdan Zotincă (born 13 April 1971) is a Romanian former footballer who played as a defender and midfielder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Dorin Numerology: Name Dorin has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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