What does the name Donatella mean? What is the meaning of the name Donatella
Meaning of Donatella: Name Donatella in the Italian origin, means Beautiful Gift of God. Name Donatella is of Italian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Donatella are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Donatella (Namesakes)
- Donatella Versace
Donatella Francesca Versace (Italian: [donaˈtɛlla franˈtʃeska verˈsaːtʃe]; born 2 May 1955) is an Italian fashion designer and businesswoman.
- Donatella Arpaia
Donatella Arpaia Stewart (born September 15, 1971) is an American restaurateur and a television personality who appears on The Food Network.
- Donatella Bulfoni
Donatella Bulfoni (born 6 November 1959) is a retired Italian high jumper.
- Donatella Finocchiaro
Donatella Finocchiaro (born 16 November 1970) is an Italian actress.
- Donatella Dal Bianco
Donatella Dal Bianco (born 7 November 1968) is a former Italian sprint athlete.
- Donatella Albano
Donatella Albano (born 21 January 1958) is an Italian politician from the Democratic Party of Italy.
- Donatella (group)
The Donatella were an Italian music and television duo formed by the twins Giulia and Silvia Provvedi (Modena, 1 December 1993).
In the autumn of 2012, the Provvedi sisters (with the name Provs Destination) participated at the sixth season of X Factor Italia aired by Sky Uno and hosted by Alessandro Cattelan: during this talent show the judge Arisa changed the name of the group in Donatella.
- Donatella Ferracuti
Donatella Ferracuti (born 5 September 1953) is a Salvadoran former swimmer.
- Donatella Agostinelli
Donatella Agostinelli (born 3 April 1974 in Jesi) is an Italian politician of the Five Star Movement and member of the XVII Legislature of the Italian Republic serving on the Justice Commission.
- Donatella Sacchi
Donatella Sacchi (born 16 July 1959) is an Italian gymnast.
- Donatella Tesei
Donatella Tesei (born 17 June 1958) is an Italian politician and lawyer, currently President of the Umbria region.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Donatella Numerology: Name Donatella has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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