What does the name Dominika mean? What is the meaning of the name Dominika
Meaning of Dominika: Name Dominika in the Latin origin, means One who belongs to the Lord and is a master. Name Dominika is of Latin origin and is a Girl name. People with name Dominika are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Dominika: One who belongs to the Lord and is a master
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Famous people with name Dominika (Namesakes)
- Dominika Ostałowska
Dominika Ostałowska (born 18 February 1971, Warsaw) is a Polish film, television and theatre actress.
- Dominika Paleta
Dominika Paleta (born Dominika Paleta Paciorek October 23, 1972 in Kraków, Poland) is a Polish-born Mexican actress.
- Dominika Peczynski
Dominika Peczynski (born 20 September 1970) is a Polish-Swedish singer, model and television host.
- Dominika Červenková
Dominika Červenková (born May 18, 1988 in České Budějovice) is a rhythmic gymnast from Czech Republic, who participated in 2004 Athens Olympic Games.
- Dominika Piątkowska
Dominika Piątkowska (born March 12, 1986 in Łódź) is a Polish pair skater and ladies' single skater.
- Dominika Cibulková
Dominika Cibulková (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈdɔminika ˈtsibulkɔʋaː]; born 6 May 1989) is a Slovak former professional tennis player.
- Dominika Chorosińska
Dominika Małgorzata Chorosińska, née Figurska (born 28 December 1978 in Elbląg) is a Polish actress.
- Dominika Stará
Dominika Stará (born 13 August 1993) is a Slovak pop singer who competed in the first season of the Česko Slovenská Superstar (Czech-Slovak Superstar), where she finished third, the most successful female participant in the competition.
- Dominika Luzarová
Dominika Luzarová (born 18 July 1982) is a former Czech tennis player.
- Dominika Wolski
Dominika Wolski (born 4 May 1975 in Szczecin, Poland) is a Polish-born, Canadian-raised actress living between Vancouver and Los Angeles.
- Dominika Kaňáková
Dominika Kaňáková (born 25 February 1991) is a Czech tennis player.
- Dominika Mirgová
Dominika Mirgová (born 23 December 1991) is a Slovak singer and actress from Trnava.
- Dominika Horňáková
Dominika Horňáková (born 1 February 1991) is a Slovak handball player for IUVENTA Michalovce and the Slovak national team.
- Dominika Grabowska
Dominika Grabowska (born 26 December 1998) is a Polish football midfielder, currently playing for Górnik Łęczna and the Polish national team.
- Dominika Sztandera
Dominika Sztandera (born 19 January 1997) is a Polish swimmer.
- Dominika Nociarová
Dominika Nociarová (born 13 April 1984) is a former professional tennis player from Slovakia.
- Dominika Kavaschová
Dominika Kavaschová (born 19 May 1989) is a Slovak actress.
- Dominika Čonč
Dominika Čonč (born 1 January 1993) is a Slovenian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Italian club AC Milan and the Slovenia women's national team.
- Dominika Kopińska
Dominika Kopińska (born 11 October 1999) is a Polish footballer who plays as a midfielder and has appeared for the Poland women's national team.
- Zemora
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Dominika Numerology: Name Dominika has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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